What Are They Hiding?

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Riley's POV

I get ready for school doing my regular morning routine. I am happy it's Friday. I go into the kitchen seeing my mom and Maya talking.

"Morning Riles" Maya chirped

"Morning" My mom made us some breakfast then we were on our way to school.

"So, Riley, how have you been" Maya asked

"Good, how about you?"

"Fine I guess" She said. We arrived at school, today was going so slow. It was time for lunch. As I walked into the lunch room I saw Maya, Lucas, and Farkle in a circle. What are they talking about? Soon Farkle spotted me and the circle disbanded.

"So, what were you guys talking about?"

"Nothing" Maya, Lucas and Farkle said in usion

"Ok" Lunch went by and we went back to class. My mind started to wander, What are they trying to keep from me? It makes me upset that they would keep something from me. The more I think about it the more angrier I get. I then look to my left and my anger slowly melts away. I look at her, what ever they were talking about is their business and I will respect that. School was over, I went with my dad, I didn't feel like taking the subway.

Here is one of the chapters, I decided I would put up three. Soon I don't think I'll be able to update every day. And thank you guys for continuing to read and vote it means a lot. Keep reading, commenting, and voting. 


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