Movie Night Pt. 2

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Maya's POV

Riley, she is just something else. When I pulled her close it felt nice. But deep down I know it's never going to happen, and that it is wrong. I guess this is all I have. She rested her head on my shoulder. I knew that she felt better with my arm around her. After an hour or so she fell asleep. I was starting to get tired. I carefully picked up Riley and placed her in her bed and covered her. I went back into the living room and laid on the couch and tried to get to sleep. As I laid down staring at the dark ceiling, I heard footsteps.

"Maya" Riley whispered

"Ya Riles"

"I'm scared, will you sleep with me?" she asked

"Ok" I got up and head to her room. She moved over and made room for me and pat where she wanted me. I jumped in the bed with her. We laid down.

"Thanks Maya, you make me feel safe" Riley whispered

"I would do anything for you, even if it is something stupid like this"

"That movie is really scary Maya" She whisper yelled

"I'm kidding, get some sleep" She soon was asleep, while I was still up with my thoughts. I soon drifted off to sleep.

Here is the second chapter of the day Hope you enjoy. Thanks for voting and commenting you guys are the bomb, keep it up. 


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