Person That I Trust More Than Anyone Else

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Riley's POV

One person that I trust more than Maya is my mom. She always knows what is going on. If there is a problem under this roof she will figure it out. I go out to the kitchen and see my mom on her computer doing some work.

"Hey mom"

"Hi sweety. How are you doing?" She questioned

"I have something on my mind that is really hard to talk about"

"Have you talked about it with Maya?" mom asked

"No... You see it is about Maya"

"You love her don't you?" She questioned. How did she know?

"Is it that obvious?"

"It is to me. I know love when I see it, and I know that you love her" mom commented

"What am I going to do. She knows that I am keeping something from her, and she will flip her lid. She doesn't love me like I love her"

"It's Maya, she will still love you, even if it is not in that way" mom assured me

"I don't think I can do it. What if she doesn't want to be my friend anymore. That would kill me inside. Watching her leave, never seeing those blue eyes again. Never feeling her arms around me. I couldn't live without her, I know it sounds stupid, but that's how I feel"

"Honey, I don't know, but just think about the positives. Now go to bed you have school in the morning" Mom said

"Thanks mom, I feel much better. Night" I walked back into my room. I felt a little better. But still felt bad, I have been pushing Maya away. I hope I can figure this out some more.

Here's this chapter. The one before this and this one aren't my favorite, I really didn't know what to write here. But there will be a twist you didn't see coming.


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