Maya Your Eye!

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Maya's POV

I woke up with a sharp pain in my ribs. I then remembered what my mom did to me yesterday. I got up and start getting ready for school. I got dressed and then went to the bathroom. I took a look in the mirror and see my lip was busted and I had a black eye. I tried hiding it as much as I could with make up. I just hope no one notices. I leave my house to go pick Riley up. I walk into their apartment and see that Riley and Topanga are talking to each other again.

"Morning Maya" Riley chirped


"Maya, here, sit have breakfast" Topanga insisted. I sat and ate breakfast. I am happy that they are talking to each other again. I wish I knew why they weren't talking to each other. Riley and I finished our breakfast and headed off to the subway. As we waited for the train Riley was just staring at me.

"What, is there something on my face?" She smiled, but then returned to a frown.

"Why do you have a black eye?" Riley asked

"What are you talking about I don't have a black eye" Riley reaches out to

my face and presses her thumb under my eye. I wince in pain.

"Maya, what happened?" Riley questioned

"Nothing happened Riley"

"Well something had to happen, no one just gets a black eye from nothing"

Riley hollard. Everyone at the subway was looking at us. The train finally pulled up and I got on followed by Riley.

"Just tell me Maya, I care so much about you, I don't like seeing you hurt"

Riley whispered in my ear. I act like I didn't hear her. We went through the day at school and was back on the subway. I was dropping off Riley, when she stopped me.

"Maya, will you stay?" Riley asked

"No, I have to go home Riley"

"Please" I turned to see her puppy dog eyes. I just can't say no to that. I

walk back into her apartment. We just watch TV, she didn't talk. It was getting late so I had to head home.

"Mom, dad, I am going to walk Maya down" Riley yelled. We walked down to the lobby of her apartment building.

"Maya, are you going to tell me what happened to your eye?" Riley asked

"Riley, it's just best for you not to know" She shook her head. She gave me

a hug. I tried my best not to cry out in pain because of my ribs. She kissed my cheek before she let go of me. Riley turned around and went back up to her apartment. I could still feel her lips on my cheek. It felt nice. I finally got back to reality and went back home.

Only one chapter today. It is long and so it tomorrow. I have been lazy when writing for the up coming chapters. But I will get the story done soon. And maybe write another one. I have some what of an idea. Tell me what you think about this chapter. Keep reading, voting and commenting. I'm thinking about dedicating some chapters for who read, vote, and comment on my story. I'm not sure, but I'll put a comment on this chapter how to be dedicated.


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