I'm Sorry Pt. 2

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Topanga's POV

I stood outside Riley's bedroom door. I am going to tell her that I feel bad for not fully accepting her choice. Its just that I want her to be happy, and have a great life. I open the door and peek in to see her at her desk reading. I knock on the door getting her attention.

"Riley, I want to talk to you" She gets up and sits at the bay window, then pats the seat for me to sit.

"Riley, I want to say I'm sorry. Maya is a wonderful girl. I just don't want to see my daughter be hurt. It's hard when your child goes through something like that" Riley was quiet, she bowed her head down. She was crying, I scoot over and put my arm around her.

"Mom, what happens if Maya doesn't want to be my friend anymore?" Riley cried

"Honey, I don't know, but if she is a true friend she will still be your best friend"

"I want to tell her at the dance. I have to do it. Thanks mom, I know this is hard to take in, but thank you" Riley sighed

"Anything for you, now get to bed you have school in the morning" I give her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. I leave her room, seeing Cory sitting at the kitchen table.

"How did it go?" He questioned

"Fine, just fine"

Here is the second chapter for today. Keep reading, commenting, and voting. You guys are awesome, thank you guys so much.


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