Riley Is Keeping A Secret

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Maya's POV

Riley is keeping something, and I will find out what it is. She has never kept anything from me. Ever. It has to be pretty bad, but not as bad as my secret. I'm in love with her. After dropping Riley off at her stop, I called Lucas and Farkle, told them to meet me at the library. I walked in seeing them sitting at a table.

"Hey guys"

"Hey, so what did you want to talk to us about?" Lucas asked

"It's Riley, she is keeping something a secret. All I want to do is help her, but she won't let me"

"I have noticed that she has changed. I asked her to the dance she got really weird. I thought she would have said yes. But I think she wants to go with someone else" Lucas stated

"Who else would Riley want to go to the dance with? All I know is that she likes you Lucas, she never told me she liked someone else. Maybe that is why she has not been acting right"

"That must seem to be the problem" Farkle added in

"Thanks guys, I am going to talk to Riley tomorrow" I left the library, Riley likes someone else and didn't tell me. She has always told me when she liked some guy. Whatever, I am going have to talk to her tomorrow and seeing what's going on.

So here's todays chapter. It is and OK chapter, but tomorrow I am going to put up two, they sort of go together. And thanks to all of you guys who keep reading, commenting, and voting, you guys rock! Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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