Maya? Pt. 2

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Maya's POV
I woke up at 12 in the morning. I seen my phone blinking. I check and see a bunch of calls from Riley, Farkle, and Lucas. Also a bunch of texts from them. I knew none of them would be up. So I decided not to call or text them. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a poptart. I really have nothing else. I sat on my bed eating the poptart and scrolling through all of the messages I got. I finished the poptarts and decided to go check on Riley. I got on some skinny black jeans and a black shirt and my leather jacket.
I went out my window and out into the chilly New York night. I reached Riley's apartment building and went up to her window. I see she is sleeping with her phone in her hand. I slowly and quietly go into her room. I take her phone out of her hand trying not to wake her. I plug it into the charger. I get a sheet of paper and a pencil and write her a note.
Dear Riley,
I'm sorry that I never called or texted u back, but I was sleeping. I came over to check on u and to let u know that I am fine. I'll see u in the morning same as always.
Love Maya
I finished and left the note on her desk. I left and went back to my place. I got home and laid in bed, sleep soon overtook me.

So hopefully these two chapters were not crap. Keep voting and commenting. You guys make my day every day.

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