Let's Dance Pt.3

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Riley's POV

Maya and I are sitting on the benches that are in the hallways. Every student left, we are here because dad is helping other staff members clean up. Maya and I are just sitting holding hands. I look at our hands, they are perfect together, molded to perfection. I look up and she is staring at me, and smiling.

"What are you looking at?" I joke

"Just the beautiful girl that loves me" Maya says. I cup her cheek with my free hand and lean in and give her a peck. My dad comes and gets us and we are going home. Maya and I are sitting in the back cuddling up to each other.

"So did you girls have a fun night?" Dad questioned.

"Yup, I got the girl of my dreams" I answered. Maya looks at me like I'm nuts. I gave her the look 'It's fine'.

"That's great, I knew you two would get together" Dad stated.

"Really Mr. Matthews?" Maya said

"Yes Maya, and stop calling me Mr. Matthews, call me Cory"

"Ok, Cory" We arrived home. Mom was standing by the couch when we walked in.

"Riley, Maya, did you girls have fun?"

"Ya" We said in sync.

"Let me take pictures of you two" We started doing different poses. One pose I had my hands around her neck, her hands on my waist and our foreheads together. Two pictures with one of us kissing the others cheek. Maya twirling me around. Her dipping me.

"Ok mom one last picture" I told her. She nodded. The last picture was us kissing.

"You two are the cutest, so cute" Topanga complemented.

"Ya, mom we are, aren't we. Well good night, I am tired and I'm sure Maya is too" I kiss my mom and dad on the cheek for tonight. Maya and I change and get into my bed.

"Your parents are alright with us?" Maya asked

"Of course they are. They love you. I think they would prefer you, than any other person in the world, and I prefer it that way too. They know that you truly love me and that I truly love you" I replied. Maya wrapped her arms around me.

"Good night peaches"

"Good night honey"

The name of the chapter sucks. But whateves. So this book is almost over. I still have to write some more chapters. So I hope they won't be crap. 


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