Let's Party

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Riley's POV (One week later)
Last day of 8th grade, then I am going into highschool. I am going to be a freshman. This year has been the best. Everything about it. Getting the person I like to go to the dance with me. Us kissing, and us together. I found the love of my life that has always been right by my side. Everyone has been so nice about us being together. It is the best ever. I couldn't ask for it any other way. All of the 8th grade students are in the auditorium. Maya and I are sitting next to each other. The principle is speaking.
"This class of 8th grade students was amazing. You guys have been here for three years, and did your best jobs. I hope you all luck in high school. The staff and I are going to miss you very much" The principle finished her speech. There was ten seconds left of this year. Everyone was chanting.
"Summer... Summer... Summer" The bell went off. Everyone was yelling and some were crying. I love it. Maya and I are in my dad's classroom helping him take stuff home.
"So Cory next year are you going to be our teacher?" Maya asked.
"Of course, all the way till college Miss. Hart" He replies. We are home after a great last day.
"Did you guys have a great last day?" Mom asked
"It was the best mom. You couldn't make it any better"
"Good, we are having a party at Topanga's so go get ready, I'll call Farkle and Lucas" Mom said.
"Ok" Maya and I went to my room. I changed in my bathroom.
"Hey there pretty woman" She complemented.
"Stop, Maya, your making me blush"
"Oh you don't like it when I make you blush. Huh. Huh" Maya kept poking me. She tackled me to my bed and tickled me.
"Ohh, what are you gonna do Riles?" She antagonized.
"This" I flipped her over so I was on top. I crashed my lips to hers. I still can't believe that we are together. Every time I kiss her it feels like the first time.
"Oh Riley Matthews, playing dirty are we. Well I can do that too" Maya then flipped me so she was back on top. She pressed her lips to mine. She bit my lip softly, making me moan into her mouth. We broke away. I tried to play mad. But it is so hard keeping a straight face.
"You're a meanie" I stated
"Well, I'm your meanie" She kissed my cheek.
"Come on lets go party" She said.

Well this was the last chapter I had pre-written and edited. So I have to do a few more chapter then this story will be over. I think I have an idea for the sequel. But that will be awhile. Probably in the middle of August. Maybe.

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