What's Going On Between You And Your Mom

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Maya's POV

I picked Riley up, so we could go to school. But the whole time we were eating breakfast Riley didn't talk to her mom. When we left they didn't say goodbye to each other. What was going on? We were at school and at Riley's locker.

"Riley, how come you and your mom didn't speak this morning?"

"I have my reasons" She spat out. Well something is going on, she has never done this before. We went to class, I would frequently look over at Riley. She wasn't herself. Riley, is always so full of joy and... color. She is wearing all black. I've never seen her wear all black. I'll have to find out about this later. We we're off to lunch.

"Riley why do you seem so glum?" Farkle asked

"I don't want to talk about it" Riley growled. Ya, there is seriously something going on.

"Um, guys, I am gonna be right back" I went to find Mr. Matthews. He was in his classroom.


"Yes Maya, come in" He greeted

"Do you know what is going on with Riley? I know you have to know, she isn't being herself. She hasn't really been herself in a long time. What's wrong?"

"Maya, I'm not really sure, but she will talk to you about it soon, I know she will" Mr. Matthews assured. I went back to the lunch room.

"Maya, where were you?" Riley questioned

"I just had to talk to your dad is all" We sat and had the rest of our lunch and went back to class. The rest of the day went on. I took Riley home and then I went back to my house. I never want to go home. I am usually at Riley's, but she is going through something and I think I should give her some time. As I walked in the door I could smell the alcohol.

The nasty stale stench of it. Every time I smell it I think I am going to puke. I go in my room and decide to draw. That's when it comes to my attention that the dance is this Friday. Only four days. I don't have money to get any nice clothes. Just great, I'll figure something out. My door then slams open, my mom standing in the doorway.

"Oh Maya your home early. Why aren't you at your little girlfriend's house?" She slurred

"She is not my girlfriend"

"Oh sure, whatever" She mocked

"What do you want?"

"Don't talk to me that way" She yelled. She came over to me and slapped me hard in the face. I fell to the ground. I tried standing up only to be struck again. Then kicked and kicked. She finally finished.

"Get up, you look pathetic. I am going out so don't do anything stupid" She threaten. She left, leaving me alone... again. I was to tired to do anything after she left so I went to bed.

Here is the last chapter for today. Hope you guys are liking the story. Tell me what you think of it. Keep reading, voting, and commenting. Means a lot.


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