Maya's Going To Do Fine!

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Riley's POV

I woke up to being wrapped up in Maya's arms. I smiled, she looks so beautiful. I tried to get out of bed without waking her up, but I failed.

"Sorry, I was trying not to wake you up"

"It's alright, I think it is breakfast time anyways" Maya stated. We got dressed and then went to the kitchen. Mom is always making great breakfast.

"Thanks Mrs. Matthews, but I have to go home" Maya waved goodbye

"Bye Maya"

"Bye Maya, see you soon" Mom chirped. I finished my breakfast. I sat and thought, this Friday is the 8th grade dance, and Maya is going. My mom sat across from me.

"Sweety, I want to talk to you" Mom said

"Ya mom, what do you want to talk about?" I look at her and, she looks like she's about to give bad news.

"Remember when you told me how much you love Maya?" I nodded my head.

"Do you think you are just, curious? About, being in a relationship with a girl" She asked. I couldn't believe what she is asking me that. But could, I just be curious? I love her though, but at the same time I don't know if I do.

"Mom, I know I love her, if I thought it wasn't real I wouldn't have told you. Do you not accept me?"

"Riley, I just think, because you are young, you really aren't in love with her. You just think you are. And don't think that I don't love Maya, because I do love her" Mom stated

"Mom you told me, you were happy for me, why are you acting like this now!"

"I started to think about it, I don't want Maya to ruin your future" Mom hollard

"Is that what you are worried about. That Maya is going to drag me down. If anything she has shaped me into the person I am today. I thought you understood" I was fuming, she told me she was happy, now she thinks Maya is going to make me crash, well she's wrong.

"Maya's a wonderful girl, but she doesn't do good in school. Then how is she suppose to go to college, and get a good job. I want what's best for my daughter" Mom spoke softly

"Maya's going to do just fine in life, and I know, because I believe in her"

"I just want you to have a great life, and live everyday, because you don't know if something could happen and you are not here" Mom declared. The rest of the day went on and tomorrow was Monday. After dinner, I went and took a shower, and went to bed. I just hope this week is not a disaster.

Here is another chapter. I will put another one up. After this. So enjoy .


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