Second Thoughts Pt. 2

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Cory's POV

I hear Topanga walk back into our room.

"Cory, get up I need to talk to you" She burst out

"I'm up, what do you want to talk about?"

"It's about Riley" She acknowledged

"Ok, what about her. It better not be about Lucas and him taking her to the dance, because then she can't go"

"It's not about Lucas at all" Topanga interjected. I shook my head, and waited for her to tell me what was going on with Riley.

"Cory, try not to freak out, please" She warned me

"It can't be that bad, can it?"

"Riley, she... um told me... she likes Maya" Topanga stuttered. My brain registered what she said for a minute. Did it really surprise me, or did I have a feeling it was going to happen?

"Cory, are you alright?" Topanga questioned

"Is that what you really wanted to tell me? Because if it was, I knew it was bound to happen"

"Cory, I still don't know if I can accept this. I don't want to upset Riley, but I know it is wrong. I don't want to upset our daughter. I had to talk to you about it" She sped talked

"Topanga I know that it is a lot to take in, but she loves Maya. It seems just like it's like you and me. It's just she loves a girl. I want our daughter to be happy, and I know that's what you want too. It's her life and your lucky she opened up to you. I know she trusts you more than Maya"

"But Maya, is not a person I had in mind for our daughter " She said.

"I didn't expect it either. She is our daughter so just think about it will you"

"I guess so, thanks Cory" She gave me a peck on the lips and went off to make breakfast.

Here is Cory always fixing the problem. Hope you guys like the chapters today. Keep reading, voting, and commenting. Means soooooooooooooooooo much to me. Thank you, Thank you.


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