Sexuality pt. 2

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Riley's POV

Seeing that word on the board, I thought I was going to pass out. Maya and I sit and soon all of the students start coming into class. Does he really have to do this?

"So class today we are going to learn about different sexualities" He announces. Everyone in class groaned.

"To bad for you. It was bound to happen some time" He jokes. He calls on Lucas who had his hand up.

"Sir, I'm sure all of us know about sexuality"

"Well, many may know, but this lesson is for some people's good" Dad replies. He then walks around the whole classroom. Like he is trying to figure out the ratio of the class on what their sexuality is. He then is back in front of his desk.

"Ok class, define sexuality" He said. Farkle of course was going to answer.

"Sexuality, is um" Farkle tried answering but failed.

"I don't know sir" Farkle said. The look on my dad's face, he knew that no one would be able to define sexuality.

"Class there is different sexualities. But today we are talking about the most common ones. Gay, Straight, Bisexual, and Lesbian. So lets see, Maya, can you define bisexual" He questions

"Bisexual is were a male or a female likes both genders" She replied

"Lucas define straight"

"Being straight means you only have a sexual attraction to the opposite sex" Lucas answered.

"Good, now Farkle, define gay"

"Gay is when a man is only sexually attracted to other men"

"Good Farkle" He looked at me. I knew what he was going to ask.

"Riley, can you define the word lesbian?" He asked me

"Lesbian is the opposite of being gay. Were a female is only sexually attracted to other females" He nods his head.

"At least most of you know what your sexuality is. It doesn't matter if you are gay, straight, bisexual, or lesbian. Or whatever other sexuality there is out there. You are being you, and you deserve to live a long happy life. I know it is hard to come out, but in the end it is all worth it" He announced. The bell finally rang. Thank god, now lunch.

So I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Keep voting and commenting means a lot. 


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