Here I Come

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Maya's POV
The dance has already started. I told Riley I was gonna go, and I am going. I find a decent pair of black pants and a white button down blouse that Riley gave me. I got on some black flats. I get a leather jacket and I am off running. I'm running trying to get to Riley as fast as I can. I'm running through the streets trying not to get hit.
"Hey, I almost hit you!" Some taxi guy yelled out his window
"Sorry" I yelled back. I keep pushing, as I was running I past a flower shop. I turn back around and run inside. Crap, I don't even have any money. I was turning to go back out and start running again, but the manager stopped me.
"Hello, may I help you?" She asked
"Sorry, I came in here, but I don't have any money"
"Well you seemed dressed up where are you going to?" She questioned
"To the 8th grade dance, but thanks for asking but I have to get going"
"Just wait one second" She went of and came back with a rainbow of colored flowers.
"But-" She interrupted me
"This is for someone special right?" I nodded my head
"She's very special"
"Here take them, there on the house" She said while handing me the bouquet of flowers.
"Really?" I asked. She nodded her head
"Now I think you have somewhere to go" She winked at me. I went running again. I'll be there soon Riley, don't worry.

This is todays, if I am still in the hotel I will update some more chapters tomorrow. Hope you guys are still enjoying the story. I love u all!!

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