Gotta Stay Chill Pt. 2

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Maya's POV
Sitting in class looking at the clock. Every minute that came closer to the dance I got more anxious. Inside I was having a panic attack. I knew Riley was excited. So I want to show her that I am excited too. I don't want to ruin her night. I don't want to ruin anything of hers. I feel her eyes on me. I turn my head to look at her and she looked away. It is so cute when she does that. Heck I think she is cute all the time.

I looked to the front of the class. I started thinking. Riley and me. It sounds like a joke. No one wants me in their life. I have no clue how Riley can even stand having me around. My thoughts are interrupted by the school bell. Students were standing up and heading out the door.

"Hope to see all of you at the dance" Cory shouted over all of the students leaving the room.

"Maya, lets go, I have to get a bunch of things done before the dance" Riley said while tugging my arm. We got on the train. We soon were at Riley's stop.

"Maya, we'll meet at the school. I can't have you pick me up. My dad is taking me, and because he is my dad I have to listen to him. Plus I have to help him before the dance starts" Riley stated

"Ok, meet you at the school, got it" She went off and the train started going again. I have nothing that is going to be good enough to wear to the dance. I wish I had a little bit of money. I got off at my stop and soon walked into my apartment. My mom was home, this isn't going to be good.

"Second time this week you're not at your girlfriend's. What did you guys break up?" My mom slurred

"Oh great you're drunk" I whispered under my breath

"What did you say to me!" She yelled

"I didn't say anything"

"Yeah, well I have a date. Don't do anything stupid" She spat. She finally left. I charged for my room. I had to find something. I have two hours till the dance. I ran around trying to find something decent. After an hour. I look at my clock. Oh crap. I sit on my bed. What is the point of even going. She likes someone else. We are best friends, and that is all we are ever going to be.

So this is the last chapter for today. Thank you guys for supporting my story. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!

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