You're Going To The Dance?

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Topanga's POV

I got up this morning and went over to Maya's. I knocked on the door. The door opened to a groggy Maya.

"Mrs. Matthews what are you doing here?" Maya asked

"I wanted to talk to you. It's about Riley"

"Is she ok, what happened?"

"Calm down, she's fine. May I come in?" She opened the door allowing me in. We sat on the dirty couch in the livingroom.

"So, what's wrong with Riley?" Maya questioned

"There isn't really anything wrong with her. It's just that she told me you were not going to the dance"

"What's the point of going. I just want to stay home and draw" Maya affirmed

"Well, I know that Riley wants you to go"

"She is going to go with someone else. I heard her yesterday, I was gonna go through her window to take her to the park, and I heard her talking to herself" Maya asserted

"Did you hear who she wanted to go with?"

"Not like a name, but a person"

"So what kind of a person?"

"I don't know if you know or not, but a girl" Maya looked really sad after saying that. I didn't know what to say.

"Will you go? For Riley" She thought for a moment.

"Sure, I'll go" I smiled at her.

"How about you come over for breakfast?"

"Ok, as long as Mr. Matthews doesn't mind"

"Maya, you can come over any time. We all love having you over at our house" She went in her room and got ready to go. She came out and we got in my car and headed back to my house. We walked in, everyone is still asleep.

"I'll go wake up Riley"

"Just let her sleep. Here I'll help you cook" Maya assured me. We started to cook, we made pancakes, eggs, and bacon. I knew that the rest would get up from the smell of the food. Auggie was first, then my husband, but Riley was still asleep. She always wakes up when she smells breakfast.

"I'm gonna go check on Riley" I tell Maya. I go into Riley's room. She is still sound asleep. I sit on her bed and slowly shake her.

"Riley, breakfast" Her eyes flutter open and she is up. I notice something that she is wearing and it's not her's.

"Riley, who's sweatshirt is that?" She looks down and notices what she is wearing it. She starts to blush. I knew then, it was Maya's.

"It's Maya's, I forgot that I had it on yesterday" Riley said

"Well, breakfast is ready" I leave the room, and go sit at the table.

"Is Riley alright?" Maya asked

"Ya, she was just in a heavy sleep" Riley soon comes out, her face lights up as soon as she sees Maya. Riley sat next to Maya.

"Mom, you didn't tell me Maya was here" Riley broke in

"I guess I wanted to surprise you" We all ate breakfast, and then went and sat on the couch.

"So I think Maya has good news for you Riley"

"I sure do, I am gonna go to the dance" Maya beamed

"NO WAY" Riley yelled. She then hugged Maya tightly. I love when she is happy. It makes me happy. I hope that Riley and Maya will still be friends when Riley tells Maya. I know it would break Riley's heart seeing her go. It would break my heart seeing Riley not have Maya in her life anymore.

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