Riley Tell Me

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Riley's POV

My alarm clock goes off waking me. I get some close and go into my bathroom and take a shower. I finish up in the bathroom, then go into the kitchen for breakfast. As I walk in I see Maya and my mom talking at the kitchen table.

"Morning Riley" my mom greeted

"Morning" Maya wouldn't look at me, what is going on. We ate breakfast in silence. My father left, Maya and I left and headed off to the subway. Was she mad at me?


"Ya, Riles"

"Oh, I just wondered why you haven't talked all morning"

"I don't know are you going to tell me what's wrong with you?" Maya whisper yelled

"There is nothing wrong, why would you think that?"

"Your mom said you cried yourself to sleep last night. Riley you are suppose to tell me everything. I don't like that you are hiding this from me. I care so much about you, I want you to be happy" Maya informed

"I don't know what's wrong Maya. It is hard to say what's wrong"

"Let's talk about it after school" We walked into class not expecting what was going to happen next.

Sorry that this chapter wasn't longer like I said but I decided to change this chapter and the next one. This will definitely make the story better. I know that everyone will love the next chapter. Some may know what is already coming. So keep voting and commenting. Thanks means a lot. 


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