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Maya's POV

Riley is still not herself. So the guys and I are going to do something special for her. She might be stressed about something, I want to help her, I just want her to be happy. Right after school we took off to get a picnic ready. Just us four hanging out, it will maybe help her. I go to her house, the window is a jar, she is talking to herself.

"She won't love you. You're not good enough for her" Riley sobbed. Did she say her? WHAT! I knew she liked someone, but I didn't know it was a girl.

"Why can't you tell her?" Riley muttered. Ok, I am going to go into the apartment through the door. I go down the fire escape and go to door number 26. Topanga opens the door.

"Maya, what a surprise to see you here" Topanga greeted

"Ya, um can Riley come to the park with Lucas, Farkle, and I? I think she needs to hang out with her friends. I think she has been a little stressed"

"Sure, I'll go get her" Topanga said, and left to go get Riley. Riley and Topanga came out of her room.

"Let's go, I have a surprise for you" I grabbed her wrist and off we went to the park. I had the guys go and set the picnic up. I wanted it to be perfect. Maybe she'll come out, and tell us about what's going on. But inside I am worried. I love her so much and I don't want to see her go with another girl and I didn't even try to tell her. But if she is happy, I am happy. We get to the park, and she starts gushing over the picnic.

"Guys, is this what you guys were talking about? I love it" She gushed. She went and hugged me. It felt nice.

"Anything for you Riley" I whispered in her ear. She then let go and gave Lucas and Farkle a hug. We ate, then it soon got darker and you could see the fireflies. The sun setting, it is beautiful. Riley is running around and trying to catch as many fireflies has she can. I am happy school is almost out. Riley runs up to me and pulls me off from the ground.

"Catch some fireflies with me Maya" How could I say no. So we were running around together, laughing and have the time of our lives. Lucas and Farkle went home, but of course Riley wanted to stay a little bit longer. I packed up the dishes and put them into the basket. Riley and I were just looking up at the clear starred sky. As time went on it started to get chilly. I could hear Riley's teeth chattering. I took my sweatshirt off and handed it to her.

"Maya, you need to wear it" Riley demanded

"No I don't, I know you are cold, just put it on" Without any more argument, she put it on. It was silent, and Riley started asking me something.

"Soo, Maya, who are you going with to the dance?" Riley questioned

"Riley, I'm not even gonna go"

"Why not? It could be so much fun"

"You know dressing up, and slow dancing is not my kind of thing"

"Oh" Riley sounded disappointed

"Who are you going with?"

"No one" She replied

"Ranger Rick told me he asked you to the dance, but you said no. I thought

you liked him"

"I did. I sort of, moved on from him" Riley said

"So, tell me who you like"

"I don't like anyone" Riley hollard

"Sorry, I didn't-" She interrupted me

"Maya, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you like that"

"It's fine, let's get going it's getting late" I fold the blanket up and put it into

the basket and then we went back to her house. We said goodbye and I left, I want to figure out who this girl is, and help her out, anyone would be lucky to have a girl like Riley. I'm lucky she has been by my side for so long.

Don't really know what to call these next chapters. I think this is one of my favorite chapters. 


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