Movie Night

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Riley's POV

I am so excited, Maya is gonna go to the dance. I jumped up engulfing her in a big hug.

"Really, you are gonna go?"

"Duh, that's what I said" Maya stated. Yaaaa, I feel like I am going to explode. I looked over at my mom, but she wasn't feeling what I was. She looks sad, but why? The day went on and it was dinner time. After dinner Maya and I went into my room.

"Maya, will you stay the night?"

"I don't know Riley-" I interrupted her

"Please, we can watch any movie you want. Please. Please. Please" I begged

"Fine, just ask your mom first" Maya said. We went into the livingroom.

"Mom, is it ok that Maya spends the night?"

"Sure, why not?" She replied. We went over to the couch and I let Maya pick a movie. Which is a bad mistake, she always wants to watch something terrifying. Then I can't sleep, but I said I would let her choose the movie. She picked out Texas Chainsaw, which scares me to death. I have seen one before, and I always freaked out if I heard a chainsaw. I went and made popcorn while she was getting the movie to play.

"Alright Riles, let's watch some Texas Chainsaw" Maya smirked. We shut the lights off and got under a blanket and started to watch the movie. I was so scared, every time something scary happened I inched closer to Maya. She didn't care of course.

"Riley, I know you don't like scary movies, I'll change it" She announced

"You don't have to, I said we are going to watch what you want and that's what we are going to do, we are finishing this movie" She didn't say anything after that, but she did pull me closer, keeping her arm wrapped around my waist. I rest my head on her shoulder. Being this close to her gave me the butterflies. All of my fright had melted away, I felt safe in her arms. After a while I fell asleep, and I wasn't scared because I knew that Maya would protect me.

I don't own the Texas Chainsaw movies. So here is one of the two chapters for today. I hope you guys like these chapters. Keep reading, voting, and commenting.


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