ch. 3

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I wake up the next morning to my phone ringing. I look around until eventually I find it.

Unknown number


Hola, buen día. Is this Mia?

Yes, who's calling?

Sorry, my name is Lorena. I work here at Futbol Club Barcelona.

Oh, wow. Hello yes. How can I help?

Well we received your interest in a position here at the club to work with our social media group. And the truth is you'd be a great fit. However, unfortunately we don't have any open positions at this moment.

Oh. Okay.

But, I do have a different offer for you. We have a player here on the team who is in need of an assistant at the moment. Previously his brother was assisting and managing him, but they're looking for someone else. We noticed you speak both English and Spanish, so they're interested in taking that job in the meantime, and we'll keep you on our list for our social media team.

Oh, wow. I mean i haven't ever thought of doing anything like that, but it sounds like a good opportunity. I'm actually not living in Barcelona currently, so it would be a big change. Do you mind if I take the day to think about it?

That sounds fine. Let me know by the end of the month actually. If yes then we can set up a time for you to fly over and meet the brothers.

Thank you for your call. Have a good day.

Gracias, igual.

I set my phone down, still shocked at the call. It's not an exciting job, but i mean it's a job. But it'll be a big change, I'd have to move out and figure out our lives in a new city for Luca and i. And i didn't even ask which player it was, what if it's someone I don't like.

I sit up from bed, it's only 6:00AM. I get up to get ready for the day. I head to the bathroom to shower and get dressed for the day.

As I'm straightening my hair, i hear yelling coming from another room. I set my things down, and walk out of the room toward the stairs. I realize it's coming from downstairs.

"Fine! Stay with that little friend you've made! I can't believe after all this time and everything we've been through this is how you want to end it! What are you going to explain to the kids?" I recognize my mothers voice.
"The truth. You know we've been having problems. You spoke about our family in that interview, when I clearly said that NO ONE was going to publicly speak about the family without discussing it. I'm tired of our arguing and our fights. I think it's best we go our own ways"
"It was one time Diego, i can't believe you right now. And the fact that you've already found someone new-"
"Don't act like you don't have someone too. Let's be honest with each other, we both want to move on. Let's just do it. The kids are older now, they're all adults. They can figure it out" my father explains.

This must be why my mother wasn't home all day. I didn't realize they were having issues. I don't even know what to think.

"Mia, you okay?" Gianluca says behind me.
"Sorry I heard yelling and-"
"It's okay. They've been fighting here and there. They do it when you're not around so that you don't get anxious about it" he puts his arm around me.
"What are we going to do?"
"Nothing we can. They both knew this was coming. But they're both still our parents and we love them both". I nod in response.

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