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weeks later.
Luca and I were still staying with Pablo for the time being. I had began to look around for a new apartment but it was hard to find one available soon. Pablo however, insisted it was fine for us to stay longer. This morning was a normal one, I had to get Luca ready for school and then head to Pedro's house.

I woke up around 6:30am, and slipped silently out of bed to begin breakfast. I wanted to let Luca sleep in a bit longer. I was met by Pablo in the living room, who looked like he had just returned from a jog.

"Buenos días" he smiles as he wiped the sweat from his chest with a towel.
"Buenos días Pablo" I replied and walked over to the kitchen. I began to grab some ingredients from the kitchen to begin preparing breakfast for everyone.

In the meantime, Pablo walked over to take a quick shower. Eventually Luca woke on his own and ran over to the kitchen.
"Mamii" he yelled as he wrapped his arms around my legs.
"Good morning principe" I smiled and looked down.

I finished up breakfast, and served us each a plate. I helped Luca onto the chair, and began eating. Pablo later joined us.

"So, my parents are coming into town this weekend for the match. I'm hoping that you guys can meet them, it would mean a lot to me" Pablo smiled as he looked across the table at me.
"Oh. Really? I mean, yes we'd love to. I hope they don't mind that-"
"They won't. I promise. They're just as excited as I am" he reassured me. I smiled and nodded back.
"It's only for two days, and you'll get to spend time with them at the match too" he added.
"Okay. I'm looking forward to it" I replied.
"Me too!" Luca cheered causing us to laugh.


After breakfast, I had hopped into the shower to get ready. I then did my hair and got dressed for the day. Luca already had chosen his outfit the day before, so I helped him change quickly. I combed his hair slightly to the side.

"Okay Luca, time to go. Say bye to Pablo" I said while grabbing my bag and his book bag. Luca sprints over and jumps into Pablo's arms.
"Adios Pablo. Miss you!" Luca smiled. Pablo leaned over and kisses his forehead, "adios Luca, be good" he smiles.

He runs back over to me and we head out the door. Luckily Pablo lives a lot closer to Lucas school, and it was a nice day out so we decided to walk.

We arrived at the school, and like usual meet Marc and his mother in the lobby. The boys greet each other and run off into the classroom while Mrs. Ter Stegen and I talk. They also planned to be at the upcoming match, so we decide to meet up so the boys can watch together.

I run out after our conversation, and take an Uber to Pedro's house. I'm running a bit late, so I do my best to hurry. I run inside, and like usual the house is silent. I open the blinds, to let some light in and check a few emails. Eventually I decide to go check on Pedro, since he needs to be at practice soon.

I knock on his door, but no answer. I wait a few minutes and try again. I get impatient and decide to enter. The room is very dark, his curtains blocking all the light.
"Pedro" I call out softly, but no answer. I walk farther in and carefully try and open the curtains to let some light in.
"Sorry to wake you Pedro. Buenos días" I give a soft smile. He looks over at me and smiles with his goofy grin. He stretches and lifts his body up. Uncovering himself, and showing his bare chest. I do my best not to stare.
"Don't apologize" he eventually replies.

"So we just have a meeting online this morning before training, and then we'll head over to the training field. And it looks like you're scheduled to film a video for the Barcelona YouTube channel afterwards. So depending on how long that takes, it'll be a long afternoon" I explain as he sits up and yawns.
"Well, what time do you have to get Luca? I can have them hurry so you're not late"
"Oh. Don't worry about that. Pablo can grab him, I'm sure"
"Hmm. Pablo is really helpful isn't he" he says in a weird tone.
"Yeah..yeah he has been. I'm lucky to have him"
"Alright well let me get ready. I'll meet you out there" he clears his throat. I take this as my signal to leave the room, so I do.

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