Ch 15

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Pedro and I walk outside to find the boys after I've calmed down. In a perfect world we could all be friends and it would be fine. But I need to remember that he's my boss, and at the end of the day Anna warned me. If he hurt me it would be my fault for not taking her advice into consideration.

Luca was on the same team as Pablo, he passed the ball and would call out for Pablo to pass it back to him. It was so cute seeing him play and take it seriously, definitely being surrounded by futbol players growing up helped him. They finish playing with the game tied, they were easy on Luca obviously. Ferran and Gavi walked over and sat beside us to catch their breath. Pablo stayed with Luca near the mini nets and was showing him how to score a penalty. We all sat on the grass along the edge of the wall.

I smiled at how sweet that was, and how happy Luca looked. It definitely helped to have Pablo around since moving here. My brothers would help me a lot with Luca back at home, and in a sense Pablo was filling that void.

Pedro POV
I watched as Mia stared at her son and Pablo playing. She looked so happy, her eyes glistened and her smile was the biggest I had ever seen it. She looked beautiful. I was honestly a bit jealous. Did she like Pablo? Was there something more between them? Things like that I wondered.

I was still processing the fact that she had a son. I mean I was in shock, I can't imagine hiding a secret that big. I don't know why she didn't tell me or anyone. I wouldn't have judged her, having a kid isn't wrong, so I'm still confused about why she hid it. At least now I know and maybe it'll explain a lot of things.

"Luca this is Pedro, I work with him" my thoughts are interrupted when I hear my name. Luca had walked over and stood right in front of Mia.
"Hola Pedro" he said with a big smile.
"Nice to meet you Luca. I see you play really well" I smiled back.
"Gracias! My tio Gio and abuelito taught me. Oh and also my best friend-" he replies. He was still full of energy and held Mia's hands as he leaned back and forth.
"Okay Luca that's enough sharing, I don't think Pedro wants to know all that" Mia interrupts him.
I laugh, "it's okay. He's very well spoken, I don't mind" I reassure her.

I smile and realize Gio is her brother, and here I thought it was her boyfriend. So now I'm in the clear again, no boys in the way.

She pulls Luca in for a hug and he kisses her cheek. I can tell she's a great mother, it's obvious how much he loves her. It just makes me fall for her even more.

"Where's Pablo?" She looks around. I shrug.
"He went to find us some water" ferran says. She nods.
"I need to use the bathroom Luca. When Pablo returns you'll stay with him, and be good" she says to him seriously. He nods with a smirk.
"Go ahead. We can stay with him, right Luca?" I say.
"Yes mami. I'll stay with my new friends" Luca says causing me to smile.
"Okay. But be good" she kisses his forehead and stands up to walk away.

Luca sits beside me, calmly. He's not like the other kids I've seen who don't behave. He listened well to her instructions and calmed down as he looked around.

"So Luca, why were you upset earlier? Want to tell us?" Gavi asks him. Luca seems hesitant and shrugged.
"We just want to help you. Was someone mean to you?" Ferran asks.
His expression changes into a sad one, and he nods. I'm not sure why but it upsets me. I clench my jaw.
"Who was mean? What did they say?" I ask him.
A tear falls down his cheek, I'm not sure how to react. We all look at each other, and eventually I take him into my lap.
"Campeón, who was mean to you?" I say again, and wipe his tear.
"I don't know his name. he laugh at me when we played futbol. And he told everyone I don't have a dad to teach me futbol" he said with tears in his eyes.

My heart hurt for him, I felt angry inside. Why are kids such assholes? I took a deep breath.
"Luca, look at me campeón. Don't listen to those kids. You're great at futbol, you're going to be better than Ferran, Gavi, and I combined. You know that right?"
He laughs.
"And you have your mom, you love her right? I know she loves you. And you don't need to have a dad to teach you futbol. You have me, and all of us. Anytime you want to play futbol you tell your mami to call us, we'll be there for you. I promise, right guys?" I look over at Gavi and Ferran.
"Of course. Anytime" ferran smiles.

Luca seems to feel happier. He smiles and pulls me in for a hug, catching me off guard.
"Gracias Pedro" he says to me. I hug him back.

"What's going on here?" We look up and Mia smiles as she walks over. She walks over with Pablo who passes out water bottles. Luca shakes his head and signals for me not to tell her.
"Sorry it's a footballer secret. We can't say" I say sarcastically.
"Yeah mami. Sorry" Luca smirks.
She playfully rolls her eyes.

"Okay príncipe, time to go before you spend more time with these crazy boys. I'm sure they'll teach you their ways" she laughs. I smile.
"Okay" Luca pouts. He stands up and one by one says goodbye to us with a hug. He then runs over to Mia, and stands be her side.
"Are you sure you don't want me to ride with you?" I hear Pablo ask Mia. She shakes her head.
"We'll be okay" she replies.

"Mia, you can ride with us. We have room" I say.
"It's really fine, I promise"
"can we please mami?" Luca pleads.
"Okay. Fine. Gracias" she says. We all nod and walk back inside.

We say goodbye to Marc and his family and head out together. Luckily we all fit in the car, and Ferran drives off. First we were going to drop off Mia and Luca since they lived farther.

We entered a sketchy neighborhood, I assumed we were just passing by but when she told Ferran to stop I was confused.
"Here?" He asked, shocked. She nodded.
"Let me walk you out, it doesn't look safe" I say.
"You don't have to. It's okay" she replies. I ignore her and follow her out.

There are people that stand by along the sidewalk. A few others smoking, weed clearly because it smells. They watch as we get out of the car. I take Luca into my arms, and put my hand on her back.

She walks up the stairs and we make it to the hallway with her apartment number. She unlocks the door and I follow her in. I set Luca down.
"You didn't have to do that. We're fine" she says as Luca runs off.
"I didn't know you lived here, are you sure it's fine? You can stay at my place. I can help you find somewhere else" I say worried.
"We'll be okay. But thank you"
I sigh.
"I'll see you tomorrow then?"
"Yes. Thank you again. Buenas noches" she smiles at me.
"Buenas noches pezecita" i smile back and walk out the door.

I get back into the car quickly and we drive off. I still can't believe she's living here. It's not safe at all. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure they find a new place.

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