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We arrived at his barbers house finally. We get out and I follow behind him as we enter. The barber greets me and I sit to the side while he gets ready. Pedro sits on the chair and they place the cover over him.

I scroll through my phone in the meantime while I wait. I listen to them mostly talk about futbol, and basketball which I've come to find out Pedro loves to watch. I look up every now and then, and honestly it's coming out well. Pedro looks good with this new haircut.

Suddenly I'm distracted by my phone vibrating.

joao felix
-buenoss días, how are you? How's Barcelona treating you?

-buen día Felix. It could be better, but I'm okay, you?

-what's wrong? why? :(

-it's a long story to explain over txt

-call later?

- sure. how's practice? my dad still mad?

- you know it's very hard to keep him happy lol

- you're not wrong. lol

"Mia" I'm interrupted by Pedro calling my name. I look up and realize he's all done. I stand up and wait for him to pay, and then we walk out.

"So what do you think?" He smiles as he looks to me, combing his hair.
"You look nice" I smile back, answering honestly.
"Gracias that's all that matters to me" he says clearing his throat. He puts his hand on the wheel and drives off.

We arrive at Ferran's house eventually. Pedro pulls into the driveway, and parks the car. He then walks around and opens the door for me. I thank him and follow behind as we walk inside.

Ferran pulls me into a hug, and shows us to the living room. Their manager hasn't arrived yet so we have to wait. They share the same one and it was easier to meet at the same time.

"How was the rest of your trip in Madrid? I saw you were watching the Atleti match" ferran says, handing me a glass of water as we all sat in the living room.
"It was good. It was nice seeing family. And yeah, Luca was so excited to go, we had a great time"
"You got tickets to Atleti? How? I hear it's pretty hard last minute" Pedro says.
"I know someone who works for them" I say.

Technically I'm not lying, and now isn't the time to tell them who my father is.

"Look at you full of secrets" ferran says, causing me to smile.

Pedro seems confused at suddenly how comfortable ferran and I are with each other. I assume he wasn't told that we met up for breakfast. But he didn't need to know.


Their manager arrives and they have their meeting. In the meantime I helped ferrans maid make them a snack for after. Then I call Pablo to check up on Luca, everything is well.

Once their meeting is done, I walk back to the living room and hand them their plates and another glass of water. It seemed to have gone well, and it was pretty quick.

"So any plans for later?" Ferran asks Pedro, who shakes his head.
"And you?" Ferran turns to me.
"No, not really" I reply.
"We should all do something. Maybe go to the park, so you can bring Luca? His school is a few blocks down, right?" Pedro says.
"It is but he's actually with Pablo, he's watching him today" I reply.
"Oh, how come?"
"Just for today. But I'll see how he's feeling and let you know" I reply shortly.

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