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a few days later:

Things while staying at Pedro's house have been much better than I had expected. We were finally down to a routine, and helping Pedro get better was the priority. Every morning I'd wake up and get Luca ready for school while the maids prepared breakfast. We were so lucky to have them during our time here. Some days Pablo would take Luca to school, and other days we'd take the bus. I've been saving up for a car to help us get around, but I also need to save up to get our own place and things haven't been easy.

While Luca is in school Pedro and I work through the many things he has to get done. The most important thing being physical therapy at the training center. He's been doing really good, but the healing process obviously takes its time.

We were currently at physical therapy, while Pedro worked through his exercises I finished up a few emails from some companies that he was working with. We had to reschedule a few trips and things because of his injury.

"I know but I really want to plan something special for her, I want her to be happy"  i say through the phone as I explain my plan to Pablo.

Mia's birthday was coming up and I wanted to surprise her by going to Barcelona. I wanted to throw a small surprise party for her, and hoped that Pablo could help me out. My father unfortunately couldn't go because of the league match he had, so I decided to invite Joao instead. He wasn't going to play with the team this weekend because of a yellow card, so my father gave him the days off.

So after the phone call with Pablo, I called Joao to confirm. I like Joao, we get along really well. Although I know he and my father don't. And I can tell he and Mia get along really well too. It's obvious, and I want her to be with someone who treats her well. Especially after her relationship with Luca's father. And maybe Joao was  the right person.

"Ready to head out?" Pedro calls out. I nod as I look up from my laptop. I close it and place it in my tote bag before packing the rest of my things.

I walked over and helped Pedro off of the bed, handing him his crutches. Luckily he had gotten used to them and was much quicker walking with them. He smiled as we walked out of the therapy room.

Practice was just about ending, and he wanted to wait to talk with the team. I sat on the bench in the hallway while he leaned against the wall, stopping to talk to each one as they walked in. I scrolled on my phone in the meantime, laughing at a TikTok Joao had sent me. We had been talking everyday lately. Not always on the phone because Pedro would hear, but when he was asleep I would. Everyone acts like Joao is more reserved or just this pretty boy, but he's actually very sweet. He makes me laugh, he makes me smile, and he's always giving me good advice and asking about Luca. I kinda miss seeing him. But I know that there are other things I need to focus on right now.

"Hey you" I hear Pablo's voice say as he taps my shoulder.
"Pablo" I smile as I stand up to hug him. I hadn't seen him in 2 days because I took Luca to school on the bus.
"How's it going? How's Luca?" He says sitting beside me.
"Good, good. He's so excited to see you this weekend" I laugh.
"Me too. How was his mini exam? I know he was pretty nervous about it last time I saw him"
"He did just fine. He told me you helped him practice. Thank you, I really appreciate it" I nudge him.
"Well he was very nervous and I felt bad. So we practiced on the way to school everyday"
"I can't thank you enough Pablo. I'm so glad you're in our lives".
He smiles and his cheeks flush.
"Me too" he leans over and pecks my cheek before standing up.
"I'll see you this weekend" he winks.
I raise my eyebrow in confusion but nod.
Gio better not have told him about my birthday. I didn't want to tell him, it's not a big deal. And I was already feeling upset knowing I'd be far from my family. Since they took me in every morning had been the same on my birthday. But this year everything changed.


On the drive home I felt Pedro was more tense than usual. But sometimes he'd get that way around Pablo, I just assumed he didn't like him. I shrugged it off and focused on driving.

"So what's the deal with you and Torres?"
"You and Pablo. You seem very close, are you together or-"
"What? No. We're just really good friends. That's all"
"Are you sure? I think he likes you. And it looks like you like him" he clears his throat.
"We just care about each other a lot. Why are you asking anyway? Does it matter?"
He shrugs.
"Don't know" he says before we both go silent.

I tried my best to ignore it all on the way home. I don't get why he cares. But does Pablo really like me? I thought we were just good friends. I don't want him to get the wrong idea. I don't want to hurt him.

We pulled up to Pedro's house finally after some tension. I helped Pedro out of the car and we headed toward the entrance. I opened the door and locked it once he entered.

"Come here" he said walking down the hall.
"Just come" he smiled. I did as he said and followed as he led us to the guest room where Luca and I slept.

I froze as soon as I saw how everything had changed. The room had been rearranged. The corner where a sofa had been before was now set up for a toddler.

"Pedro, I- you didn't have to-""I wanted to

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"Pedro, I- you didn't have to-"
"I wanted to. Now you each have your own beds while you're here" he smiles.

For whatever reason tears form in my eyes. I quickly wipe them away.
"Luca is going to be so happy" I say.
"I can't wait for him to see" he replies.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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