Ch 12

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weeks later
"Buenos días mami!" Im woken by a very energetic Luca this morning. I yawn and pull him onto the bed.
"Buenos dias príncipe" i kiss his cheek as he lays beside me.

I look at the clock, 6:00am. This child is crazy waking me up this early. We lay together for a bit, before we both decide to get up. He helps me clean up my bed and we walk out to the kitchen.

"Mami after school can we go to the store?" Luca asks me as he sits at the counter to watch me cook.
"Hmm I'm not sure yet. Why? What do you need?"
"A gift for my friend Ben! Don't you remember?" He says with a sassy tone. I freeze, almost forgetting.
"No no of course not. Sure I'll take you. But if I get out of work late then maybe we can ask your tio Pablo to take you" I reply.
"Gracias mami!" He says with the biggest smile.

Luca had became good friends with most of the boys at school. A few of them really like futbol and they started their own training for them at school. One of his closest friends is a boy named Ben. I had only met his mother during pickup, she's always very kind. Tomorrow was Bens birthday party, and I promised Luca I would take him so I had to ask Pedro for the day off. He wasn't too happy but he gave in.

Luca and I ate some eggs and bacon for breakfast before watching tv for a bit. We had to be at school by 8:30, so we still had time. I cleaned the kitchen while Luca picked out his outfit. We both got dressed and made sure to have all of our things.

We run out the door once again to catch the bus. We barley made it. Luca had been getting better at running to the bus stop with me. I felt bad that he was always tired but soon I would have enough saved to buy a car. I didn't want my parents to have to just give me a car, it was unfair to them.

Speaking of them, we missed them so much. But luckily soon the holidays were coming up so I had a few days off to go back home. I missed everyone back at home and so did Luca. I couldn't wait to tell them everything and I'm sure Luca felt the same.

We arrive at Luca's school and rush inside. I stand in line to check Luca in at the front desk.
"Luca! You're here!" A small blond boy says running over with a smile. They hug each other and laugh.
"Okay Ben, you can let go now" his mother says as we both laugh at them.
"They're getting along well. I'm glad he made a friend" I say to her.
"They definitely are. I know it can be so hard moving from far. Tell me about it" she laughs.
"So, are you two coming tomorrow? Ben is so excited to have Luca over"
"Yes of course. Luca would not be happy if we didn't go" I smile.
"Great, I can't wait. I'll see you tomorrow then, take care" she smiles and waves goodbye.

I check Luca into class and hug him goodbye. He kisses my cheek before running off into class with Ben.


I arrive at Pedro's house, and like always he's still asleep. Luckily there was no match this weekend, so no training today. There wasn't much planned, besides a few errands I had to run for him. Typically on days like this he wouldn't come with me.

Things between us have been decent. I wouldn't say they're amazing, he still has his moments where he's intense or just silent and quiet. I won't force a nonprofessional relationship, so I just have to adjust.

I sit at the counter and begin working on the computer. Fernando walks into the room with his luggage.
"No, don't tell me you're leaving" I pout.
"Unfortunately yes. I have a competition in Malaga, it's only for a few days so I should be back soon" he pouts.
"okay. Good luck. I know you'll do well" I smile and stand up.
"Gracias Mia. You're the best" he smiles and hugs me.

Pedro walks into the room, shirtless and in his sweats. He clears his throat.
"Am I interrupting?" He raises his eyebrow. Fernando let's go of me and smacks his head.
"No just saying goodbye" he playfully rolls his eyes. I smile and Pedro.
"Buenos dias. I have your coffee ready" I tell him.
"Pedro, don't be rude. Tonto" he smacks his head again.
"Hit me one more time and I won't miss you" Pedro says back. We both laugh.
"He's not a morning person" Fernando whispers.
"I know" I whisper back.
"I can hear you!" Pedro says as he grabs his mug and sits on the sofa.

Awhile later Fernando has left, leaving Pedro and I alone. I take my laptop over and sit beside him. But not too close. I had a few emails I had to run by him, so I ask him questions while he watches tv.

"Do we always have to talk about work?" He sighs and looks at me.
"Can't we talk or do anything else" he smiles.
"I mean, what do you want to do? Im just doing my job" I smile.
"I think we both know what" he says. I can see the eagerness in his eyes. He slowly gets closer to me, he puts his hand on my waist, and brings us closer.
"Pedro, I-"
"Shh. Im your boss, remember? it's okay" he hovers over me and leans in to kiss me.

The kiss sends butterflies to my stomach. I don't know why but I kiss him back. I place my hand behind his neck, and pull him closer. Feeling his lips on mine, and his soft touch is making me want him more. He moans into the kiss. Both of us breathing heavier at this point.

He begins to place kisses on my neck. I moan and gently scratch his bare back.
"Pedro, we really shouldn't" I say breathing heavily.
"Hmm. Don't you like it princesa?" He smirks.
That dumb look on his face that makes me want him even more. Before I can answer the doorbell rings.
"Ugh. People always have to ruin my day" he grunts and sits back against the sofa.

I fix my shirt and compose myself a bit. Not even knowing what to say at this point. I walk over to the door, and double check who it is. I open the door upon realizing it was just his friends.

"Buenos días mía" ferran smiles and greets me.
"Buen día ferran" I smile back.
"Mia, looking good as always" Pablo Gavi smiles.
"Gracias Pablo" I shake my head and greet him.

They walk inside and walk over to Pedro. At first he looks annoyed but eventually forgets.

"We'll be in the game room" Pedro tells me. I nod and walk back to the kitchen. I try and focus with my AirPods, knowing whenever they come over to play fifa, they get loud and annoying.

But instead of focusing all I can do is think of Pedro. Picture him laying on top of me again. His perfectly toned body, his beautiful brown eyes. Everything about him that drove me crazy. What was he doing to me? And I kept replaying Anna's advice in my head. But when Pedro was in front of me all of that went away. And all I knew in that moment was that I needed him, and I wanted him.

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