Ch 10

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Fernando and I finish up our lunch, and pick our trash up. The players are still warming up.

"So since your from Madrid, what team do you follow?" Fernando turns to face me.
"Atleti" I smile
"Shut up! Are you serious?" He smiles.
"Yes I am, is that a problem?" I joke. He shakes his head.
"My father is probably the biggest Atleti fan in the world" I say, and there is some truth to that statement.
Fernando nods.
"No, no problem. At least you're not a Real Madrid fan" he replies.

Fernando begins showing me photos of what he's learned so far in his classes. The food looks incredible and I can't believe he's actually learned how to make it.
"That's amazing fer, whoever marrys you is going to be so lucky" I say. He blushes.
"I guess so" he smiles.
"You'll find someone. I can tell you have a good heart" i say, he puts his hand on mine and pulls me into a hug.
"You're so sweet. I just got out of a relationship so you're really boosting my ego" he smiles.
"It'll all work out" I smile.

Pedro POV
In the middle of warm up, Pablo Gavi pulls me toward him.
"Pedrito, you didn't tell me that Fernando has a new girlfriend" he smiles. I raise my eyebrow and look toward the stands.

Mia and Fernando were smiling and laughing and having a good time. Too much of a good time. She was never that way with me. I don't know why but I felt kind of upset, angry, or jealous.

"Helloo?" He nudges me.
"That's not his girl" I reply
"She's my assistant, Mia" I continue doing my stretches.
"Oh. She's hot" he smiles as he looks at her.
"Fuck off, you're too young for girls" I joke with him and shove him. He laughs and goes back to warming up.

My phone begins to ring suddenly, I turn it over and see that it's Pablo.

Pablo T


hey Mia, so sorry to bother you but I had some exciting news.

what's up?

Luca and I were walking in town and we came across a preschool, the kids were playing futbol and such out back and he was so excited he ran in and joined them. Anyway, long story short I spoke with the director and they have openings, but she wanted to know if we could meet tomorrow to go through everything. What time can you come?

oh my god that's amazing! Gracias Pablo! Yes tomorrow around 10:30am is fine.

great! I'll let her know.

Gracias gracias Pablo, I'll see you both later!

Adios Mia, cuídate

I smile and set my phone down.

"You look happy" Fernando smirks.
"I just got some good news" I smile.
"Care to share?" He asks.

I pause. I'm not sure if I should. What if he tells Pedro? I don't want him to find out. I sigh.

"You can trust me, I promise" he smiles.
"Okay" I reply.

I begin to tell him the entire story. Well at least about Luca, how he was my son and all. Not about my family yet. I explain how Pablo and I became friends and how he'd been helping me.

"But promise not to tell your brother, please"
"I promise. But why not?"
"I would rather not a lot of people know. You get treated differently when you're a young single mother" I sigh.
"I get it. I promise I won't tell anyone. I'm sorry you went through that, but I'm sure your son loves you so much" he smiles and hugs me. Causing a tear to slip. I quickly wipe my tear and smile.
"Maybe if you're nice to me I'll let you meet him" I joke.
"I'd love to" he laughs.


The match begins, and we were both feeling so nervous. I get to anxious, the other team is playing amazing.

By halftime it was still 0-0. Suddenly it began to drizzle a bit, so the field was even more slippery. I could see pedris frustration, but he calmed down and remained focused.

The match ends 1-0 with a win by Barcelona. Lewandowski scored the only goal of the match. The team celebrated with the fans, but I could tell they weren't content. But a win is a win.


Fernando and I walk down to the tunnel to meet with pedri. After waiting for long, he comes out eventually.
"Hermanito!" Fernando smiles and pulls him into a hug.
"Te extrañe, tonto" pedri smiles and smacks his head.

Pedro turns to me and smiles. He's drenched in sweat and his hair is wet from the rain. His smile looks so adorable, and his hair sticks to his forehead. I can't help but smile back.
"So what did you think?" He says to me.
"You were great, I had a lot of fun" I smile.
"I'm glad" he smiles, and it feels genuine.

He wipes the sweat from his forehead, and signals for me to take the lead. I walk toward the exit and they follow behind me.

We walk to pedris car, and I sit in the backseat while they both sit up front. They catchup on everything on the way home. It's starting to get dark out, meaning it's late.

We arrive at the house and quickly walk inside to avoid the rain. When we walk in there are cases of beer and other drinks on the counter. The house is dark, except for some LED lights.

"To welcome you, we're partying today" Pedro smirks as he looks at Fernando. They hug each other and laugh.

"Are you staying too?" Pedro asks me. I shake my head.
"I should head out, I have to sleep early" I reply. He raises his eyebrow, looking confused.
"Pedro, come on let the lady go. She had a long day" Fernando smiles.
"Fine. Can you just help me with something?" Pedro says and signals for me to follow. I nod.

He leads me to his bathroom, where he turns the light on.
"I got this cut during the match, can you help me put some cream on it?" He smiles.
"Sure why not" I shrug.

He slides his shirt off and turns around. His back is bloody, with a huge scratch. I carefully clean the wound, he winces so I try and be gentle. I apply the cream, and he turns around.

"Gracias pezecita" he looks down at me and smiles.
"Anytime Pedro" i smile back.

He softly puts my strand of hair behind me ear. He cups my cheek and leans closer to me. He places a kiss right at the edge of my lips and my cheek. My heart races and I lick my lips, wanting more. But I can't.

We hear the doorbell ring, and instantly I recognize the voice of the two girls from the other day. I pull away quickly.

"I should go" I say looking away.

I don't know why I let myself get to this point. Anna is right I'm just going to get hurt. Pedro looks confused and I walk out to the living room. I feel him follow behind.

"Pedro! Amor! We're here" they cheer and run over to his side. He hugs them both.
"Adios Fer, I'll see you later" I say and hug him.

I do my best to avoid any eye contact with Pedro and run out the door.

Pedri POV
I really wanted to kiss her. But I didn't know if not was okay. Normally I wouldn't ask or care if they thought it was okay. But I didn't want to hurt her. I wanted her to feel comfortable.

I watched as she quickly left, without  saying goodbye or looking at me. It really upset me. Why would she do that? Did she get jealous?

I push away the two girls and walk over to grab a drink.

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