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When we arrive at the training facility, we enter immediately toward the medical center. The doctor along with the physical therapists are ready for Pedro and begin to help him in.

"Can you hold my things for me?" Pedro asks as he begins to pull out his phone and wallet from his pocket. I nod and take them.

They help him onto the bed and begin to run tests and examine his injury. I sit to the side and look out the window as practice is about to begin.

Things don't seem to sound good about Pedro's injury from the reaction of the medic. I feel terrible, I know he'll be very upset to be out for long.


After many tests and such, the medic and therapist come to a conclusion together. Pedro suffered an injury to his hamstring which will take about 4-7 weeks to heal with the right therapy. I listen in and take notes to make sure we tell Fernando and their family. Pedro clenches his jaw and looks upset at everything they're saying, which is understandable.

The medic walks away to meet with the athletic trainer and fill him in. I stand up and walk over next to Pedro.
"I'm sorry about all this. I know it's hard to hear" I sigh and put my hand over his knee. He nods and I can tell he's holding back tears.
"It's just not fair. My second injury this season, I can't believe it" he shakes his head.
"We can call Fernando and let him know after we leave" I explain. He nods.
"I know he still has a few more weeks of his class, so maybe I'll have to ask my parents to come and stay with me since I'll still need help"
"Well if it's only a few weeks I can maybe stay until Fernando comes" I suggest.
"Really? Are you sure?"
I shrug, "we can try it out"
He smiles, "thank you"

The medic and athletic trainer return. They explain to Pedro all of the steps we'll have to take on the road to his recovery. I look back out the window and realize training has ended, and I need to talk to Pablo.

"I'll be back" I tell Pedro who just nods. I rush out the door and run outside to where the team still is. I wait to the side until they're done and call Pablo over.

"Look who it is" he says with a big smile and pulls me into a hug.
"How was practice?" I smile.
"Good. I'll actually get to start this next match" he says excitedly.
"No way! That's amazing. I'm so glad Pablo" I smile and hug him back.

He explains in detail of how he got the position, I can tell he's very proud of himself. I agree to take him out to dinner to celebrate and he accepts. I then begin to tell him about pedos diagnoses and such.

Pedro POV
As the medic reviews a few things with me I get distracted by Mia and Pablo outside. I can see them out the window. Mia pulls Pablo into a hug and I see him blush from miles away. I don't know why but I feel the biggest sense of jealousy. I fist my hands and hold them tight. I hate how close they are it makes me feel some sort of way. I wish Mia and I were that close. I can tell also that Pablo likes her, it's so obvious. I don't know how she hasn't even noticed.

"Pedro! Pedri!" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Xavi who was now inside.
"Sorry sorry. Yes I understand. Physical therapy daily and changing my diet a bit" I say rolling my eyes.
"Good. I'll make a schedule and email it to Mia within these next few hours so that she can help us out too" the therapist says.
"Yeah send it to her, she'll be with me" I reply.

They walk away and Xavi stays to talk to me for a bit. He's very kind and worried but the truth is I don't want to talk to anyone about it. I'm too upset, I just wanted to call my parents. I know they must be worried.

I say goodbye to Pablo after explaining the plan for the next few weeks. I'll have the weekends off, so I'll stay at Pablo's house on the weekends for now. Besides it's only 4 or so weeks, and hopefully by then Fernando will return. He seemed unsure about it but after all it is my job and makes it easier to keep an eye on Pedro.

I meet with Pedro back in the medic room, and he looks ready to head out . I thank the doctors and help Pedro off of the bed.

"Everything okay with Pablo?" He asks me as we're walking out.
"Yeah why?"
"Just cause you ran to talk to him"
"Oh. Just to tell him about the plan for the next few weeks" I explain.

I get him into the car and we drive back to his house. I'll need to go to Pablo's for a few hours to grab my things but I'll do it when I pick up Luca.

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