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"Mami I have to go potty!" Luca whines. I smile and nod as I take him by the hand and we walk further down the hall. My father still hadn't come out from the lockerroom and we were still waiting. I helped Luca in the bathroom and we washed our hands and headed out.

We walk out and suddenly bump into someone.
"Perdón !" I say shaking it off. I look up and see Joao. He smiles down at me.
"Oh, hey again" he says.
"Sorry I wasn't looking" I smile.
"It's fine, I wasn't either"
"I never got to say, thank you for becoming Luca's friend. He talks about you all the time. He had fun it seemed the day my father brought him" I say. Joao nods.
"Yeah we had a lot of fun together. I was supposed to be doing some physical therapy that day, but I got to play with Luca instead" he laughs.
"And I didn't realize he was your son, I didn't realize Simeone had a daughter" he adds.
"It's a long story. No one really knows" I sigh. He looks concerned but shrugs it off.
"I understand, I won't tell" he winks.
"You played great today, I'm sure my father wasn't satisfied but he's always intense" I laugh.
"Yeah, he never is. But we fine and that's what matters". I nod.

We continue talking about the match for awhile as Luca had already run off to be with Gio. It felt like forever but I know it was only a few minutes. Eventually his phone rings and he says he has to go.

"Sorry if this is weird but do you mind if I have your phone number? Maybe we can hang out or something?" he asks nervously. I blush but nod.
"Sure. ID like that" I smile. He hands me his phone and I type my number in. I hand it back and he seems content.
"Adios Mia. I hope to see you soon" he lightly squeezes my hand, causing me to feel butterflies and I nod.

I hope we see each other soon too. I think to myself.

I walk back to find Gio and Luca and find Gio smirking.
"Oooh Mía has a crush" he jokes
"Shut up Gio!" I roll my eyes and smack him jokingly.
"Ouch! Chill" he laughs. I smile and blush as I squeeze his cheeks.

Eventually my father walks out looking more calm and we follow him out. We make it to our cars and head home for dinner.


the next day

It was early in the morning and I agreed to meet Ferran for breakfast. Luca stayed up watching movies with Pablo and I, so we let him sleep in. I showered and got dressed and headed out. I took my fathers car and drove into the city.

I arrived at the place we agreed to meet at and grabbed a table while I waited. I scrolled on my phone to pass time.

joao felix
buen día :) sorry I took forever, I knocked out when I got home lol

omg I thought you played me lol it's okay, no worries!

never. so what are you up to today?

meeting someone for breakfast currently and I'm not sure about later. gio and I thought about going out, hopefully if my father watches Luca

ohh.."someone" does that mean you're seeing someone?

omg no, just a friend I guess lol

ah okay cool. I still have a chance 🙃

ah you think you have a chance? we just met?

...I'll find my ways 😉

okay we'll see then..
why don't you come later actually?

"Mia, hey"
I set my phone down as I hear Ferran interrupt my thoughts. I smile as I stand up to hug him. He sits in front of me and sighs.

Ferran POV
I was glad Mia agreed to meet today. I was worried honestly about pedri. I don't know if she'll trust me to tell me what happened but I just want to know so I can be there for my best friend. He was really hurt the other day and I hated seeing him that way.

Pablo, Pedro, and I were currently at a birthday party for one of the Barça B team players. I had already lost them twice since there was a lot of people. It was a wild party, I hadn't been to one in awhile but I was having a good time. As long as the media didn't find out of course.

I walked around with Pablo until we saw a crowd of people surrounding something. I heard yelling and immediately recognized pedris voice. Pablo and I rushed past everyone to see pedri fighting with a guy. We broke them apart and walked outside.
"Pedro, what the hell? What are you doing?!" I yell at him as Pablo tries to clean him up.
"I'm done with everyone Ferran! Everyone!" He says with anger in his eyes as he slurs his words.obviously really drunk.
"Why? What happened?"
"Mia!" He yells and slams his fist on the ground.

Gavi and I look at each other confused.
"What happened with her?" I ask.
"I just need her! And she left! She doesn't get me!" He continued yelling. People began to look at us so we decided to leave. I try and distract him and get him to calm down. I try and ask more questions but when I notice he's already knocked out. Gavi is as confused as I am. I'd never seen him this way.

"Thanks for meeting me, I know-" I get distracted by Mia's phone lighting up. Her screen shows a picture of her and Luca. And a notification pops up:

joao felix
sounds good, I can't wait to see you :)

Wait what? She knows joao felix? But how? And why? She seems to notice and flips her phone around.
"Of course I mean I'm just confused about what's happening" she says. I nod and explain everything.

As Ferran finishes his story I begin to feel bad. I didn't mean for him to get that way. But he also shouldn't have treated me like shit. I thought I mattered but clearly I didn't. And I didn't want Luca to get used to someone who was only using me.
"Look Ferran I know you care about him but things happens with us that shouldn't have. I thought he was different, I really did. But he treated me like any of his other girls he has around. And I don't want that. And I'm not going to be treated like that. I'm sorry. I'm just his assistant and strictly work related until he finds someone new" I sigh.
"Wait. You're quitting?"
"I don't know yet. I haven't had that conversation with him" i say. He nods.
"I know he can't be an ass, but he's not deep down"
"I know Ferran but i can't be hurt in the process. I'm sorry I hope he can work past that. I'm done trying" ferran nods, finally getting what I meant.

The food comes out and we begin to eat.
"Since we're here we might as well sit like friends, right?" Ferran smiles after a moment of awkwardness. I laugh and nod.
"Sure" I say.

We begin to chat and get to know each other. He's actually very sweet and funny. I know he recently got out of a relationship and he was able to open up about that and how it's affected him. I can tell he means well and he's only trying to help, so I appreciate that.

"Well if Pedro is ever being an asshole again just tell me and I'll slap him" ferran says as he pays the bill for us.
"Gracias Ferran. I appreciate that. And I had a good time. I'm glad we can become friends and put the rest aside" I smile. He nods.
"Of course. Count on me for anything" he leans over and gives me a hug. I hug him back and he walks me out to my car.
"How much longer are you here for?" He asks.
"Few more days" I reply. He nods.
"Meeting a boyfriend?" He teases.
"No, just my family" I laugh.
"Mhmm, sure" he jokes.
"See you later Ferran. Good luck" I roll my eyes jokingly and get into my car. He closes my door for me and smiles.

I drive off back home to meet with everyone. I think slowly things are starting to get better. Meeting joao and now getting closer with Ferran have made me feel more positive. And of course Pablo, he's been nothing but the best. He agreed to join Gio and I because he wanted to scope out joao for me. I'm sure they'll get along well though.

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