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The match ended with a draw, which only upset Pedro even more. I stayed with him in the locker room while the players began to arrive. They all walked over and checked in on him like good teammates.

I stepped to the side with Pablo who had already talked with him.

"Hey, so what are you thinking?" He asked as we looked over at Pedro.
"I know know. I can't leave him alone. I have to figure out a plan though. And then there's also Luca-"
"He can stay at my place if that's easier" Pablo smiles.
"No, I'd feel bad. He's not your responsibility"
"Well the offer is there. You decide what makes you most comfortable" he says putting his hand on my shoulder. I nod.
"I need to talk to him first" I reply. Pablo nods and heads into the locker room.

I step out as the boys begin to change, and then head in once they're done. I walk over and stand beside Pedro.
"Let's get you home, I'll drive" I say.
"And how will you go back home?"
"I'll take an Uber once I know you're settled and come back early morning"
"Why don't I stay with you at your apartment? It might be easier with Luca and all"
"Actually Pedro we don't live there anymore. We had a problem and I've been staying with Pablo until I can figure something out" I look away.
"Why? What happened? And why didn't you tell me?  I could have helped you"
"I'll explain later. But let's get you home" I look back at him.
"And what about Luca? Aren't you bringing him?"
"Is that okay with you?" I ask nervously.
"Or course. I haven't seen him in awhile. It'll be good" he smiles. I smile back and nod.

I walk over and explain to Pablo the plan who seems fine with it. I meet his parents outside and thank them for watching Luca. Then Luca and I say goodbye to Pablo and his parents who head out.

I carry Luca to the player parking lot as I explain to him where we'll be sleeping tonight.

We meet Pedro at his car as he leans against it.
"Pedriii!" Luca cheers with a big smile.
"Campeón, I'm happy to see you" Pedro replies as I set Luca down.
"Let's get you in the car. Be good please while I help Pedro inside" I explain to Luca. I sit him in the backseat and put his seatbelt on. I then walk over to the passenger side and pull the seat all the way to the back for Pedro to have room to stretch his leg out.

I help him inside slowly and then get into the passenger seat.
"Okay, slowly now. I don't feel safe" Pedro jokes.
"Yeah yeah well you have no other choice" I laugh.

I drive off toward Pedro's house, which luckily isn't too far. We arrive and I lock the gate behind us. I help Luca out first and then Pedro.
"Don't run off Luca. Be right behind us please" I say. We walk slowly over to the entrance and unlock the door. I turn on the living room light so we can see and I help Pedro to the sofa. I quickly lock the door and close the blinds.

"Okay Luca let's get you to bed since you have school tomorrow" I say. Luca pouts but nods.
"But what about my pjs mami?"
"We don't have any here amor" I explain.
"Oh wait. Actually I had bought the full Barcelona kit for him for his birthday. Maybe he can wear it to bed. It's more comfortable then his jeans" Pedro smiles.
"Oh that was really nice of you Pedro. Thank you. Sure, where is it?"
"Here in the closet" he points to the closet in the hallway. I easily find it and walk over to show Luca who gets very excited.
"Okay let's get you dressed and set you up on the sofa"
"You two can have the guest room. The sheets and all are washed" Pedro says. I pause and nod.

He was being very nice and accommodating and I liked this side of Pedro. He was much kinder.

I walk over to the guest room and change Luca into his pjs.
"Okay amor, time for bed. Te quiero" I lean down and kiss his cheek.
"Te quiero mami" he smiles back and hugs me. He lays down and I pat him softly until he falls asleep.

I shut the door quietly, leaving a lamp on just in case. Pedro was scrolling on his phone when I returned.
"Gracias Pedro. This means a lot to me"
"I should be thanking you for coming. I really appreciate it" he smiles.
I nod.
"I'm going to need to shower, can you just help me to the bathroom and I'll figure it out"
"Are you sure? What if you fall, or-"
"Mia, I was sweating in the match. I need to shower" he laughs.
I sigh.
"Fine, I'll help you"

I walk over and lead him to the bathroom. I feel bad but maybe I should help him? Should I turn away, or? He seems to struggle as he pulls his shirt off. I sigh. Well, here goes nothing.

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