Ch 16

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Luca was excited to go back to school today, so luckily getting him ready was easy. He was dressed and I combed his hair nicely to look presentable. He sat on the counter while I looked around to see what we could have for breakfast. I made us some eggs with toast, and we ate breakfast whole watching tv together.

"Remember it's your last day of school before vacation Luca. Then we're going back home with your abuelito and tío Gio" I said to him.
"I'm so excited mami! Is Pablo coming too?"
"Hmm he wasn't, but I can ask if he wants to come" I smile. He nods and continues eating.

We grab his book bag, and I grab mine and we head out the door. I hold Luca in my arms as we shut the door behind ours. As I'm walking down the main steps a man stops in front of us. He has a hoodie on, and stinks of weed and other things. I hold Luca close to me.

"Morning sweetheart, where you off too today?" He smirks and slurs.
"Please let me pass" I clear my throat.
"Hmm no can do" he gets closer to us and Luca hides his face.
"Hey! She said to leave her alone! Go somewhere else asshole" a man's voice says behind us. A couple a bit older than us stands behind, the woman pulls me to the side while the man tries to get rid of the guy. He rolls his eyes and walks off.

"Thank you" I sigh and catch my breath.
"No problem. You really should be alone out here, it's not safe" the woman says. I nod.
"Oh sorry we're your neighbors across across the floor" she smiles at me and puts her hand out for me to shake. I smile and shake it back.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Mia and this is Luca" I say and Luca looks up and waves.
"He's so cute" she pouts.
"Do you have a boyfriend or anyone else who can take you to the bus stop?" The man asks. I shake my head.
"It's just us two" I say.

They look at each other with worry.
"Well of you ever need anything just call us. It's hard to know who to trust these days" the man says. His wide hands me her phone number and I smile.
"Thank you, I appreciate it" I smile.

We say goodbye and head toward the bus stop. Luckily there's more women and kids and other people , so it feels a bit safer. Like always Luca and i sit on the bus and mind our own business.

We get off at his school stop and enter as I check him in. He gives me a kiss goodbye and I hug him.
"Te quiero príncipe. Be good" I wave goodbye as he runs off.

I take the bus toward Pedro's house, and get off at the stop. I felt relief knowing that Pedro knew of Luca now. I didn't feel like I was hiding anything. And Pedro was very thoughtful and sweet yesterday, so I was hopeful we could have a good or better relationship.

I use the key he gave me to enter, it's dark inside, so he's still asleep. I turn on the kitchen light and begin his coffee. I walk toward his room, like always, and knock softly. I stop as i begin to hear noises, clearly I'm aware of what's going on. I hear a girls voice and sounds of clearly what they're doing.

I walk away and ignore it. A weird feeling overcomes me. I don't know why I care. I shouldn't. I open my laptop and plug in my earphones to ignore.


Eventually Pedro walks out with the girl at his side. He grabs her by the waist, he's shirtless and has marks all over his body. She's dressed but her hair is messy. I hadn't seen her before. I try not to make eye contact. He freezes when he sees me, and just leads her to the door. She walks out and he shuts the door in her face.

"Mia! I didn't know-"
"It's fine. Not my business. But you should get ready we have to head to the store today" I cut him off. He tries to make eye contact but I ignore him. Eventually he walks back to his room.

When he returns he has an Essentials Hoodie on and jeans on.
"Ready?" I give him a small smile. He nods. We walk outside to his car, he opens the door for me and sits in the driver. It's silent in the beginning as he drives off.

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