Ch 6

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"Cuídate mucho hija, te queremos" my parents give me one last hug. Tears run down my face as my father kisses my forehead.
"Los quiero también. We'll see you soon" I say letting them go. They wave goodbye as I hold Luca in my arms and we walk away.

Luca was upset earlier but he's still young and doesn't understand that we're moving for good. Right now he was only excited to go on a plane. We make our way to the gate and prepare to board the plane. I set Luca beside me and get him settled with a few toys and such to keep him entertained. I wipe my tears one last time.

"Adios Madrid. Te amo" I smile as I look out the window.


We finally arrive in Barcelona. Luca slept most of the flight. I wake him and take him into my arms. I grab our bag and walk off the plane. I find a bench for us to sit at while I wait for Pablo.

"Buenas" I feel someone tap on my shoulder. I turn around and smile as I see Pablo.
"Pablo, te extrañe" I smile hugging him.
"Me too" he replies.
"Luca, Mira, I want you to meet a friend" I poke him. He lifts his head and turns to face Pablo.
"Hola Luca. My name is Pablo, you're so handsome" he smiles and reaches to shake his hand.
"Hola Pablo" Luca gives a small smile. He puts his hand out and waves.
"He just woke up" I say. Pablo nods.
"Luca, is it okay if I carry you? So your mami can grab your bag?" Pablo asks with a soft voice. Luca nods and puts his arms out. 
"Gracias" I say to Pablo. I'm glad he asked Luca before trying to grab him. That was very sweet.

We walk out to his car. Luca leans his head on Pablo's shoulder. I can tell he's still tired from the flight. We get to Pablo's car and he sets Luca into his car seat. I let him borrow mine since I don't have a car yet either way. He shuts the door and helps me with the luggage.

"He's so cute, very sweet" Pablo says to me.
"Gracias Pablo. You're very sweet" I playfully shove him.
We get into the car before Luca starts to worry. Pablo drives off toward our house.

We get inside quickly with our things. Luca sits on the sofa and quietly watches us. I've never seen him this shy. Pablo and I catch up on the trip and a few things with the team.

"So where's Luca staying when you're with Pedro?" Pablo whispers to me.
"I went to a daycare the other day, but I'm not sure if I should send him yet, or look for a babysitter" I sigh.
"I can help you if you want? At least when I don't have training and such. For now until you find someone"
"Gracias Pablo, but I don't know. I don't want you to feel like you have to"
"It's okay. I promise. I don't have training tomorrow. I can watch him while you go with Pedro. I can ask around for a good daycare, I'm sure we can find one in the city" he smiles.
"Okay, sounds like a plan"

I unpack while Pablo slowly begins to talk and play with Luca. He slowly begins warming up to him. I know they'll get along well.


next day:
"Buenos días amor" I kiss Luca's forehead
"Buenos días mami" he smiles.
"Are you ready to wake up? You're going to have so much fun today with Pablo, okay?"
He nods and stands up.
"Pablo said he'll take me to the park" he begins jumping up and down on the bed.
"Did he?" I laugh.
"Mhm, is he coming now?" He says excited.
"Soon, let's get you ready"

I pick out his clothes and comb his hair, he picks out a hat and we walk over to the kitchen. I was already dressed for the day.

I serve us each some eggs and fruit and we eat our breakfast together. So far so good, he hasn't cried about being away from my parents.

Eventually Pablo arrives and Luca runs up to his arms.
"Hola guero buenos días" Pablo smiles hugging him.
"Buenos días" he smiles at me.
"Hola Pablo" I smile back.

I clean up the kitchen while Luca shows Pablo the toys be brought from home. I pack a small bag with his most necessary things.

"Okay. I think we're ready. And please call me if anything, I'll find a way to leave" I say.
"Don't worry. I promise, we'll be okay. Right Luca?" Pablo winks at him.
"Si mami, we be okay" Luca smiles at me.
"Okay. Te quiero amor. Listen to Pablo, and be a good boy" I pull him into a hug and kiss his cheek.
"Te quiero mami. Okay" he kisses my cheek.

"Gracias Pablo, I can't thank you enough" I hug him as well.
"It's no problem at all. Good luck, we'll catch up later" he smiles taking Luca into his arms. We all head out at the same time.

Pablo drives off with Luca and I walk over to Pedro's house. It's only a few blocks, and it should be safe in the day to walk.

I knock on the door as I arrive. It takes awhile but eventually he opens up.
"Buenos dias" he says with a raspy voice. I smile.
"Buenos días Señor"
He moves over so I can walk in.
"Please call me Pedro, I'm not old" he gives a small smile, the first I've seen.

He stands leaning against the counter, in sweatpants and shirtless. His hair is messy and his eyes are puffy. Clearly he just woke up.
"I should get you a key so you can come straight inside" he types something into his phone.
"Remind me please when we go to the store"
"Sounds good. Thank you" I reply.
"The cleaning ladies should get here soon, once they get here I'll introduce you so that you can be in charge of them. Then we can get started with the day, I know Fernando already told you most of it" he yawns.
"Okay. Want me to get you a coffee ready while you get dressed?" I offer.
"Please" he begins walking away.

I head to the kitchen and begin looking around for the coffee supplies. I'm not sure how he likes his coffee but I guess we'll figure it out along the way. I set his coffee on the counter and also make him a quick toast. I hear the shower running so I know he'll take awhile. I open my laptop and sit at the counter to begin looking through the schedule for today. We have a photo shoot for his clothing line first, then a small break. Then we'll have to head to the training center for a short interview before tomorrows match. Afterwards we don't have anything to do besides head to the store to pick up a few things. Depending on what time we finish, I'll either have to stay here awhile or head back home.

He walks out eventually dressed in his day clothes. He sits on the counter and begins eating his breakfast. He scrolls on his phone as he eats. He chuckles at a few videos, but otherwise shows no emotions. I look at him every now and then from the corner of my eye, but focus on the laptop. The doorbell rings and he walks over. In comes the cleaning ladies.
"Okay. Valentina this is Martha, Sophia, and Anna. They clean around the house and take care of a few other things. Ladies this is Valentina, my new assistant. Please just go to her if you have any questions" he says with no emotion. They nod. I give them a smile. He walks over to the living room, we s have a bit of time before we head out.
"Nice to meet you all" I say to them as they walk to the kitchen first. Anna seems only a year or two older than I, but they all look very kind.
They nod.
"You can talk to me, I'm no one special" I laugh.
"Sorry, we try not to make too much noise. Señor pedro doesn't like it to be too noisy when he's here relaxing" Martha whispers. I make a confused look.

Martha and Sophia walk to the other rooms and Anna stays to clean the kitchen.
"So is he really that strict?" I whisper.
"I really shouldn't talk about that"
"Why not? I promise I won't tell him. I just want to make sure I'm not working with someone who's mean" I give a small smile. She sighs.
"He's a good guy. But he can get stressed out and get upset about everything. Sometimes it's best to just stay away"

I turn to look at Pedro, confused as to why he would act that way. But I don't want to get Anna into trouble so I just nod. I go to grab his plate to clean up.
"No! Please, I'll get it" she says afraid.
"It's okay, I-"
"Valentina! We should get going" Pedro calls out.
I let go of the plate and grab my things.
"Okay. Sorry" I walk over. He grabs the car keys and we head out.

Im already feeling iffy about the situation. Why do they seem afraid of him? Is he really that different behind the scenes?

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