Ch 9

649 19 4

After leaving Pablo's house, I take a taxi over to Pedro's house. I quickly walk out, almost running late.

I use the key that Pedro gave me and enter the house. I enter quietly, not knowing if he's awake or not. All the lights were off, and it was dark. I set my things on the counter and turn on the kitchen light. I begin the coffee machine, and sit down for a bit. I pull out my laptop, hoping Pedro will wake soon. If he doesn't we'll be late.

Eventually I hear no noise, so bring up the courage to go find him. I walk down the hall and stop at his door. I knock quietly, no answer. I wait and knock a bit louder, still no answer. I get worried so I decide to go in.

Pedro still laid in bed, and to my surprise a girl laid beside him. They were both undressed, but before I can walk out he wakes up.

"I'm so sorry Pedro!" I say and quickly close the door.
"Mia!" He calls out. I hear noise and eventually he walks out. He has hickeys on his neck, and stands in front of me, shirtless.
"I'm sorry Pedro I didn't realize you had company. I was just getting worried since you weren't up" I turn around.
"Hey" he pulls me to face him.
"It was nothing, she's not my girlfriend" he says quickly.
"Your personal life isn't my business" I look away.
"Um I started your coffee, how you like it. So when you're ready we should probably prepare to head out" I clear my throat.
"Look at you learning quick" he smiles, with that contagious, goofy smile he always has. I smile back, even though I try not to.

He steps closer to me, inches away.
"I promise she didn't mean anything to me, I'll be out soon" he whispers. I feel his breath on me, causing my heart to race. All I do is nod.

He turns around and walks back into his room. I turn around quickly and accidentally bump into Anna.
"I'm so sorry" I say helping her with the things she dropped. She gives me a small smile.
"It's okay"
I begin to walk before she stops me.
"Hey, just be careful with him, okay? You seem so sweet and like a good person. It's best to stay away" she says with a sad look.
"What do you mean?"
"Nothing never mind I shouldn't have-"
"I won't say anything. I promise. We can be friends, I need a friend" I smile.
"Okay. Sure, maybe we can meet up for lunch tomorrow, I have off". I nod.

Pedro had given us each others numbers so we plan to meet tomorrow. Anna does seem sweet but I don't know what all these weird comments are about Pedro. I'm curious but at the same time she seems like a good person and I don't get why someone would hurt her.

I make my way back to the kitchen and finish up the coffee. Martha serves a plate of oatmeal for Pedro, and I finish up a few emails. Eventually the girl who Pedro was with runs out of the apartment, not saying a word to any of us.

Pedro walks out, in jeans and a T-shirt. His hair is still messy, but he still manages to look good. He sits next to me and begins to eat.

"Has Fernando returned yet from his trip?" He asks me.
"No, he'll meet us at the stadium. His flight was delayed" I explained.
"Oh, okay. Good"

He eats the rest of his meal in silence. I set up a few things with Martha and Anna for the house, and then get our things ready to head off to the match.
"How do I look?" Pedro turns to look at me. I smile.
"That bad?" He laughs.
"No, you look fine. But maybe just cover that" i motion toward the mark on his neck. He turns red.
"Oh, um how?" He asks nervously.
"I can probably cover it with some makeup" I reply. He nods.

He leads me to his room, which I had never been in. It's messy, the cleaning ladies don't really come into the rooms since it's more private. There are clothes everywhere and his bed isn't made. He leads me to the bathroom and turns on the light. He leans against the counter.

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