Ch 19

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We finally arrive in Madrid. Luca fell asleep on the flight, so Pablo helps me carry him off the plane. I grab our bags and we walk out toward the exit. It's later in the afternoon so the streets are busy from people returning home from work. We look around in search of my brother who would be picking me up.

"Pablo! Mia!" We hear someone call out. I turn around and smile immediately as I see Gio standing by the car. I run over to him and jump into his arms.

I missed him so much and today was had been a rough day, so everything added up and I needed my brother more than ever. He hugged me back tightly and kissed my forehead.

"I missed you so much Gio" I smile and jump down from his arms.
"I missed you too hermanita" he smiles.

Pablo and him greet each other with a hug. He helps us get our bags into the car. Pablo sets Luca in the car seat and sits up front, while I sit in the back.

"So how's Barcelona been treating you?" Gio smiles as he drives off.
"Fine. I'm just glad I have Pablo in my life, he's been nothing but the best" I smile at Pablo who looks at me through the rear view mirror. He gives me a warm smile and nods.
"You're welcome" gio says taking the credit causing us all to laugh.

We catch up with gio on the drive home. He and Pablo hadn't seen each other in awhile so they have plenty to talk about too.

We arrive at home and pull into the driveway. Luca was just waking up as we parked. Gio opens the door closest to Luca who smiles wide as he sees him.
"Tio Gio!" He cheers.
"Guerito! I've missed you so much" gio begins tickling him and kissing his cheek, causing Luca to laugh. He takes him out of his seat and they hug each other.

In the meantime Pablo helps me with the bags. He'll be staying at our house while we're here. Gio takes Luca out of the car and we walk up to the door. The guard lets us inside. It's quiet, and a bit dark which is surprising. Gio sets him down and Luca runs off in the house.
"Where's papa?" I ask Gio. He shrugs, "I think they had an emergency team meeting" he replies. I nod.

I walk upstairs with Pablo while Luca and gio play around downstairs. I show him the guest room where he'll be staying at. He puts his bag inside and we sit on the bed. He pulls me close to him and I lean on his shoulder.
"How are you feeling?" He asks me. I shrug, "I could feel better. But I'm trying to be happy since I'm back at home" I reply. He smiles.
"Don't let an asshole ruin your vacation. He doesn't deserve you anyway" he looks down at me and kisses my cheek.
"Gracias Pablo. I don't know where i would be without you" I kiss his cheek back and we lay beside each other for a few minutes.


We walk downstairs to begin getting ready for dinner. My father hasn't returned yet, but hopefully soon. Pablo and Luca play on the Nintendo switch in the living room while Gio and I set the table.
"So how have things really been going?" He nudges me.
"What do you mean?" I laugh.
"Well you and Pablo seem very close, do you-"
"No no we're just friends. He's like my brother" I smile. He nods.
"And what about pedri?"
I pause as I'm reminded. I shake my head, "just work" I reply.
"Mhmm I know you Mia. Your face says otherwise" he looks at me.
"It's complicated. I let it get complicated. But things will get better. He's an asshole though" in reply. Gio laughs.
"Most futbol players are hermanita, stay away from us" he jokes.

The table was set and dinner was about ready. Suddenly the front door opens and my father enters looking annoyed. But as soon as he sees me he smiles. I run over to him and hug him.
"Papa!" I say with tears in my eyes.
"Hija! Finally you're here" he says with his eyes watering too. He kisses my forehead and lets me go.
"Abuelitoo did you forget me?" Luca says behind us. We all laugh and he picks Luca up.
"Never mi príncipe" my father smiles, he kisses his cheek. Pablo walks over and they hug each other as well.

They know each other from when Gio and Pablo would spend more time together, so it's not unusual.

We walk over to the table and begin to sit down for dinner. Luca goes on and on about how he's been doing with futbol and how Pablo and a few of the barça boys taught him new tricks. My father smiles as how proud he is of Luca.

Things are better and I felt more at peace than I have in awhile. We all laugh and catch up and all my other worries go away. And I wish we could stay this way forever. I wish the rest of my brothers and my mother were here too though. But maybe one day. Right now both my parents want to kill each other, so I don't even want to get involved.


After dinner we clean up the kitchen and walk to the movie room to watch a movie before bed. I sit beside Gio and to my other side is Pablo. Luca wanted to sit with my father and Gio since he missed them.

"Abuelito?" Luca says midway through the movie.
"When can I go see joao?" Luca smiles. I laugh, still confused at whoever joao is.
"How about tomorrow, you can all come to the match" my father suggests. Luca cheers and we all agree to go.

After the movie I take Luca upstairs to his room and get him ready for bed. I kiss him goodnight and walk over to Pablo's room.
"Thanks for coming Pablo. I promise this means so much to me" I smile. He puts his arms around me.
"I'll always be here for you. No matter what" he leans over and kisses my cheek.
"Buenas noches" I smile and kiss his cheek back.
"Buenas noches Mia"  he smiles and I walk back to my room.

I get dressed for bed and lay down, turning the tv on for a bit. I pull out my phone to check my notifications.

Mia, please talk to me. I don't want you to be upset, it was a misunderstanding

It was. What happened was a misunderstanding we shouldn't have done what we did. I'm just your assistant and I always will be.

Don't say that please

I will be. Let's forget it, it was a mistake.

Fine, forget you . And you better be on time when you return.

I toss my phone on the counter and ignore it. Whatever he's an ass. I roll my eyes and get comfortable for bed.

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