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After leaving the training facility, Pedro drives us back to his house. We have to finish planning out a few things and to prepare for the match on Sunday. The video they filmed for Barcelona went well, it was funny actually I enjoyed seeing this side of Pedro.

We arrive at his house and walk in, the house always seems so dark and gloomy. There's not much decor or anything it's so sad. I open the blinds a bit more to let the natural light in.
"It's so sad in here" I say as I walk back to the kitchen table and open my laptop. Pedro looks up from his phone and smiles.
"I'm not much of a creative person" he replies.
"I can tell, one day I'll teach you a few things" I laugh.
I sigh in relief, when we get to joke around it feels good. I don't feel pressure or tension and I like this version of us.

I begin to plan out the next few weeks with Pedro and add things to the calendar to remind me.
"Whatever you tell me to do, I'll do. I trust you" he says as we wrap up.
"Well I still feel better if you approve it" I reply. He shrugs and goes back on his phone.

I clean up my workspace and a few things around and pack my things up.
"I should get going then, they've got dinner ready for you. And I'll see you tomorrow" I say to Pedro.
"Oh um okay sure. And actually if you want you can come for just the morning. We don't have much to do, have half of the day off" he says.
"Really?" I ask excitedly. He nods.
"Yeah I'm sure you could use the time with Luca. Is he coming to the match?"
"Yeah, he's really excited. Pablo's family is coming so they'll watch him while I'm with you before the match" I explain.
"Oh okay. Great, I'll see you tomorrow then"
"Adios Pedro"
"Adios Mia" he calls out.

I walk out toward the bus station. I'm actually so excited to have half of the day off. Some time with Luca is just what I need.

On the bus ride home, I text gio to check on things back at home. I miss them more than ever. My father seems to have met someone, but doesn't say who. Gio isn't a child anymore, so it's obvious when my father sneaks around.

I arrive back at Pablo's apartment, and walk inside. The smell of food fills the space as I smile over at him and Luca on the sofa.
"Mami!" Luca cheers and runs over.
"Te extrañé amor" I smile and kiss his cheek.
"How was school?" I ask.
"Good. I learned about the moon today! And Ben taught me how to be a goalkeeper" he says excitedly.
"I'm so glad you had a great time" I lift him into my arms and wipe his cheek which had some chocolate. I playfully glare over at Pablo who tries to hide his smile.

"He wanted a chocolate at the store, I couldn't say no" he shrugs. I set Luca down and walk over to Pablo.
"I'm sorry" he says laughing. I sit beside him and rest my head on his shoulder.
"I'm so tired" I say as I yawn.
"Well let's eat dinner so you can get to bed. We have a long weekend"
"Oh yeah and guess what? Pedro gave me half the day off tomorrow" I smile.
"That's great! We can go somewhere before picking my parents up at night from the airport"
"Sounds like a plan" I smile. He stands up and puts his hand out to pull me up.

We walk over to the kitchen and begin to grab our plates. Luca sits beside me and begins eating. Everything is perfect like always as we sit and have a nice dinner together.


After dinner, I take Luca over to take a bath. I change him into his pjs and then go back to the kitchen to clean up. As I walk over, Pablo seems to have fallen asleep on the sofa. I motion for Luca to be more quiet and he listens. As I finish cleaning, I turn the lights off and leave one lamp on. I leave Luca on the sofa with Pablo, since a movie was playing on the tv.

I walk over and take a shower and get ready for bed as well. When I walk back out, I go to wake Pablo. It takes a few tries but eventually he wakes up and I tell him to get ready for bed. Once we're all done, we head to bed early since it'll definitely be a long weekend and we'll need it. However I stay up at night thinking of finding a place of our own. I know Pablo is understanding and isn't in a rush but I feel terrible and in the way. I need to find somewhere for us.


next morning.

I woke up early this morning to head to work. I let the boys sleep in and left them breakfast ready. I took the first bus over to Pedro's street and walked quickly since it was raining.

When I arrived, like usual it was dark inside. I wasn't planning on waking Pedro since it was the weekend, and it was only 6:00am. I replied to a few emails and made a few payments from some bills that Pedro had to pay. Like always I opened the blinds and lit a candle I brought along to add some color in the living room.

I then made Pedro a quick breakfast snack for when he decided to wake up. As I began to hear noise, I decided to start on the coffee as well. I then look over and see Pedro in the hallway. He yawned and stood with his messy hair, and in his shorts.

"Buenos días" he smiled.
"Buenos días Pedro" I reply and walk over and hand him the coffee.
"So what do we have to do today" he yawns.
"Just work on a few posts for your social media accounts, and make sure you have everything set for tomorrow" I explain. He nods as I hand him his plate. We walk over to the living room and he sits beside me.

I do my best to focus as he's literally shirtless beside me. And let's be honest, he's hot. His perfectly toned body compliments him well. But I remember I'm upset with how he handled our relationship so I go back to reality.


About two hours later we finished with all social medias and the emails that had come in from this morning. Pedro was exhausted by now, and I could tell he was bored. Since I didn't have much else to do, I left  for the day. He seemed upset that I left but I didn't have reason to stay longer.

I made my way back to Pablo's apartment, happy and content for the day. Finally a day to enjoy with Luca and as an extra Pablo.

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