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Today we flew back to Barcelona. I was upset leaving everyone behind, but part of me felt it was going to be better being away from Daniel.

We said our goodbyes to everyone earlier, and were now seated in the waiting room waiting for our flight to be called. Luca sat in between Pablo and I and played with a toy car that Gio gifted him.

"So how did things end with you and joao?" Pablo asks with a smirk.
"What do you mean?" I blush.
"Stop acting I could tell you we're both getting along well"
I shrug, "well obviously we live far from each other so it probably would never work"
"You shouldn't give up that easily Mia. You deserve to be happy" he smiles. I smile back at his comment and face forward. I did really like joao, and spending time with him. But was now really the time to look for a relationship?


After a quick flight, we landed in Barcelona. It was rainy today, which sucked being back. We took an Uber to our apartment, Pablo decided he was going to accompany us today.

The driver pulled up to our house, and we got out quickly. There were people around like always and we didn't want to have to stop. I took Luca in my arms while Pablo grabbed our bags. Suddenly a man stood in front of him.
"Woah woah, where you going?" The man asked.
"Please just let us by to our house" I say. The man laughed, and his friends got closer.
"Go ahead but I'm not sure you want to" the man laughed again. Pablo pushed past them, and I followed along.

Our apartment door was open already and when we walked in everything was messed up. Things were out of place and clearly it had been broken into. I ran to my room to look for my savings, which I hid under a broken floorboard, but it was gone. I broke down in tears.
"No, no, this can't be happening" I cry.
"Mia, we have to leave. I'm so sorry" Pablo said with anger. I turned and saw Luca upset, so I knew he was right. Pablo had called the police, and I could hear them as the sirens approached.

They walked into the apartment and began looking around. Since there are no cameras around they couldn't do much except take evidence.

I threw all of our belongings into giant bags to take with us. The furniture would stay for today until I figured out what to do with it. But Pablo was right and it wasn't safe any longer to stay here. The police escorted us out, and offered to take us to another location. The entire time Luca was upset and crying.

We were driven to Pablo's apartment where we would spend some time for now.

When we arrived, we headed inside and I set Luca down on the sofa. Pablo gave him some snacks and turned the tv on to distract him while I cried. Not believing what I came back to. I was broken I didn't know what else to do. Everything was gone.

"Mia, I know this sucks. And I'm so sorry but you know that I'm going to be here by your side to help you with anything you need. I promise" Pablo says pulling me to his side and rubbing my back.
"Gracias Pablo. And I'm sorry about all this. I promise I'm going to repay you everything"
"Don't worry about that. You need to be okay for yourself and for Luca" he says wiping my tears.

Eventually he convinces me to eat some dinner even though I didn't feel like it. I feed Luca, and then we get him ready for bed. Since Pablo only has the one room, we all had to sleep in one bed. I already felt terrible about that because I know we were in the way. But Pablo insisted it was fine.


All night I couldn't sleep. I felt afraid, I felt useless. I just never thought this would happen. I know we had a place to stay temporarily and what mattered was no one was hurt, but i didn't want to take advantage or be in the way of Pablo.

I eventually got up from bed around 4:30am. I couldn't sleep any longer. I looked over to see Luca fast asleep, and laying against Pablo. They both snored silently, and I tiptoed out quietly. I shut the door, and walked over to the kitchen. I made a cup of coffee and walked over to the living room. Is say by the window, and looked out as it began to rain.

To distract myself I scrolled on TikTok for awhile and eventually noticed I had many messages.

Mia please forgive me.
please tell me you're coming back.

you know what fuck you, don't answer.

But still show up to work.

Mia I'm sorry I was drunk, I didn't mean it. I still need you to help me. I'm sorry. You're coming tomorrow right?

Yes Pedro, I'll  be in this morning

Oh, hey. You're up so early

You too..

Couldn't sleep.  I'm sorry about all the messages

Don't worry about it. I'll see you around 8

Want me to pick you up?

No. I need to take Luca to school

I can take you both.

No it's fine, I'm with Pablo he can prob take us.

After a few minutes no response. I turned my phone around and turned the tv on.


Eventually Pablo woke up, and smiled walking over to the living room. I handed him a cup of coffee and he sat beside me. I laid my head on his shoulder as we watched the morning news.

"Everything will be okay. I promise no one will hurt you, okay?" He smiled looking at me. I nodded.
"Gracias Pablo. I'm so lucky to have you" I smile.
"Eh sometimes" he laughs.

"So when do we have to leave? What's your plan for today?"
"I just have to leave Luca at school at 7:30, and then go to Pedro's at 8:00"
"Are you sure? Maybe Luca can stay home today. He had a rough night. I don't have training, so I can stay with him. We can leave you at Pedro's" he explains.
"Are you sure? You don't have plans?"
"Nope. It's fine"
"Okay. Gracias Pablo. I'm sure Luca will be beyond excited" I smile.


It was now around 8:00, Pablo and Luca had just dropped me off. And I was right, Luca was a lot happier when he found out he could stay home. I entered pedris house, which was a mess. All around the house there was trash, cans of beer, papers, and random things. Everything was dark and smelled of sweat and alcohol, like a frat house. I rolled my eyes.

I turned the light on and opened the blinds a bit. I began to clean up the living room first. I grabbed a bag and began to throw away the trash. I then moved to the kitchen and did the same, wiping the counters afterwards. I began the coffee for Pedro who hadn't yet made an appearance.

I swept the kitchen a bit and finished cleaning up this section of the home.

"Hey" I hear and turn. Pedro stood at the hallway, in his sweats and shirtless. A few hickeys over his body, typical. I was dealing with something more important so I tried to not let it affect me.
"Buenos días" I replied.
He walked over and sat at the counter, drinking his coffee.
It was silent for that entire time. I walked over and stood across from him, opening the calendar on my laptop.
"So we have to go to your barber this morning and then it looks like to meet your manager at ferrans house for the media meeting" I explained. Pedro nodded.
"How's Luca?" He asked randomly.
I smiled, "he's good. He had a lot of fun in Madrid"
"That's good. Maybe you should bring him over one day. We had a lot of fun the other day"
"Maybe one day" I replied without making eye contact.

I was trying to be nice and amicable. But deep down I knew I liked him and that he had hurt me. I wasn't sure what to do. If I could even keep seeing him.

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