Ch 13

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the next day
Before Luca woke up from his nap, I hopped in the shower so we could get ready for the birthday party. We hung our earlier at the park, and Luca was tired from playing all morning.

I applied some makeup, and straightened my hair so I could be ready.

miasofia2 posted on their story: 🧡

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miasofia2 posted on their story: 🧡

After getting ready, and making sure the gift was wrapped for Ben, I decided to wake Luca. To my surprise he was already up when I entered his room.
"Mami!" He cheered.
"I didn't know you were awake principe" I smiled and kisses his cheek as he ran to my side.

I took him to the bathroom to get him a quick bath. We hurried and got him dressed up, I combed his hair to the side.
"You look so handsome amor" I pouted , my eyes watered a bit. He was getting so big.
"You look beautiful too mami" he smiled big.
"Te quiero, te quiero" I smiled back and continued to place kisses on his cheek until he laughed.

Once we were both ready we cleaned up around the house, to leave it clean for when we returned. I grabbed the gift bag, and we ran out the door.

Today I decided to take an Uber since we were dressed up a bit nicer than usual, and obviously it was father. I gave the driver the address to Bens house and we took off.

I wanted to use this day to really focus on Luca and having a good time with him on my day off. After yesterday with Pedro, I want to keep myself focused. I don't want him to get the wrong idea. And after what Anna told me, I don't want to get hurt. I don't want my confusion and overthinking to ruin the day, so I promised myself I would only focus on Luca.

We hadn't been able to see Pablo either since he's been busy with training and such. Today he said he had a party at one of his teammates house, and we had this birthday party so we wouldn't see each other again either.

Eventually the Uber arrives at a gated community. I'm shocked, I didn't realize Ben's family were rich? The guard at the entrance stops us and begins to interrogate us, eventually letting us pass. We make it to a house with a long driveway. It's a beautiful house, with many cars outside. I thank the driver and help Luca get out. He decided to carry the gift, as we walk inside. I ring the doorbell and we wait.

A security guard opens the door, allowing us inside. We thank him and walk in to a huge party. Everything is decorated beautifully, and there's many people here. Mostly it seems the other kids from the class. Luca gets a bit shy, so I pick him up into my arms as we walk around looking for Ben or his mother. I don't recognize anyone with all these people and I just smile and wave.

miasofia2: the most handsome boy ever 🥲

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miasofia2: the most handsome boy ever 🥲

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ben.
"Found him, let's go say hi" I say to Luca. He nods. I walk over, with Luca still in my arms across the entire house. Ben smiles as he looks over at us.
"Luca!" He yells. I set Luca down and they hug each other.
"Happy birthday Ben!" Luca smiles.
"Yes happy birthday Ben! You're such a big boy now" I smile.
"Thank you Ms. Mia for bringing Ben" he replied.
"Anytime. Where's your mother?" I ask as I'm crouched down.
"This way!" Ben says. I grab Luca back into my arms and we follow Ben.

The house is huge, but eventually we find her. I greet her with a hug and thank her for inviting us. Luca smiles and runs off to play with Ben and the rest of the boys.
"Beautiful house you have" I say to her.
"Thank you. Yes we're very fortunate" she smiles. I nod. We get to know each other a bit. She's very kind, even though she's much older than I.

Their family is actually German, but they're here in Spain because of her husband. He doesn't seem to be around, but I don't ask just so that I don't seem intrusive. I tell her about recently moving here from Madrid and such.

After catching up for a bit, she stands up to go greet other guests. I walk over to find Luca who was still with Ben.
"Luca, want to-"
I'm interrupted by the door opening wide. Everyone pauses to see who it is, and in walk in a group of guys. Immediately I make eye contact with one. But it can't be. Why would he be here? What are the odds?

We say simultaneously.

Pedro POV
"Come on Pedro, it's just a kids party. It's not that deep. Plus it will mean a lot to Marc if we go" ferran says trying to convince me to go to Ter Stegen's sons birthday party.

Originally I had said no, I wanted to stay home today and not talk to anyone. Just in one of those moods. But Ferran was right and I didn't want to upset Marc. I gave in and got dressed quickly and we headed off.

On the drive there all I could think of was Mia. I couldn't stop thinking of her. The moment we had the other day. It was amazing, I just wanted to feel her lips on mine again. I couldn't wait to see her again. I don't know why she asked off, she wouldn't tell me. On the way to the party, we picked up Pablo Torre, Balde, Eric, and Pablo Gavi. That way we could make up a lie that one of us had an appointment and had to leave early.

We arrived at the party, and I almost stayed in the car. There were too many people, and I could just imagine all the kids inside. I didn't hate kids but I wasn't good with them, I think. I don't know honestly.

As we entered, I looked around. Just as I suspected, older moms and their kids. Typical party. I put on my fake smile after Ferran nudged me. But suddenly my eyes stopped. I couldn't believe it. It was her, it was Mia. But why was she here?

I was in shock. I didn't know how to react.
"Mami! Look who came!" Luca yells suddenly. He has the biggest smile and runs over to Pablo. He jumps into his arms, and Pablo hugs him back. I can tell he's also shocked.

Well shit, this party just got interesting.

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