Ch 17

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Pedro drove us back to his home and agreed to give me the afternoon off after promising Luca dinner.

I carried Luca inside pedris house and set him down carefully. Pedro ordered some food to be delivered and we sat in the living room. Luca sat between us and rested his head on my lap. He was a bit tired still and the medication was wearing off. I ran my hand through his hair softly, in hopes of calming him. Eventually he dozed off and his eyes shut as he took a nap. I smiled. I looked over and felt Pedro's eyes on me.

"You're a good mother" he said with a straight face.
"Oh- thank you" I reply hiding my smile.
"Im sorry about how things have gone between us. I know I can be a dick sometimes, but im working on it. I promise" he laughs at the last comment.
"I know you're not a dick Pedro. You might act like one, but I've seen enough to know you're not" I reassure him.
"That means a lot. And im glad we can work on being friends at least" he smiles. I nod.

He turns the tv on for awhile as we wait for the food. I feel his eyes on me every now and then but I try and ignore it. Im not sure what he's trying to get at with me. I meant what I said, and we can try to be friends but first im his assistant, and I'll always be that. He had plenty with his models and girls he hangs out with constantly.

The food arrives, and he stands up to answer the door. He enters with the food and sets it on the table. Luca wakes up with the noise with a smile.
"Ready to eat Luca?" Pedro smiles looking over. He nods and carefully walks over. Pedro lifts him into a chair and begins to look for plates.

Once we're all seated we begin to eat. The food is delicious and I hadn't eaten this fancy in awhile. Luca seems to happy and content. He talks to us about school and he and Pedro get to know each other. Luckily he hasn't given too many details. They talk about futbol and the team, and Luca gets excited when he's promised a visit to the Camp Nou.

After dinner, I begin to clean up the kitchen from the mess we made. Luca sits calmly at the table as he waits for me. He rests his head on the table, I know he had a long day and is exhausted. I pack up so we can head back home.
"Mia it's really dark out now. I don't think you should go out like this. Why don't you stay?" Pedro says to me. I look over at Luca who is half asleep.
"No it's okay. We'll be fine"
"Mia please. It's just one night" he pleads. Deep down I know he's right, but I don't want it to be weird. But I give in.
"Okay Luca, we're staying over for tonight. Let's get you to bed" I say. Luca smiles and nods.

I lift him up and walk him over.
"Buenas noches pepi" he smiles.
"Buenas noches Luca" Pedro replies and pokes his cheek. We walk down the hallway and into Fernando's room. Pedro let us stay since he's away.

I lay luca down in bed, and cover us with the blankets. He cuddles beside me and falls asleep instantly.
"Buenas noches" I whisper and kiss his cheek.

I look up at the ceiling as my thoughts take over. I try my hardest to sleep but I'm unsuccessful. I don't know why. Everything just adds up in my head and consumes my thoughts. It's now been 3 hours so I decide to get up to grab some water.

I quietly walk out to the hall, and freeze as I see Pedro sitting at the kitchen island. He holds a glass of water in his hand and takes a sip. He stands there shirtless and in his sweatpants. He gives a worried look as we make eye contact.
"Everything okay?"
"Yes sorry. I just came for some water" I reply. He nods and serves me a glass. I sit beside him.
"Couldn't sleep either?" He asks. I shake my head.
"Me either" he chuckles.
I stretch my arms out a bit. It must also be the fact that I'm still in my day clothes. Its almost as if he reads my mind.
"Must be your jeans. I hate sleeping in jeans" he laughs. I smile at his comment.
"Want to borrow something to wear?" He adds.
"I shouldn't, I'll be-"
"Come on. Just follow me" he smiles. He puts his hand out and helps me off the chair.

We walk down to his room, where only a lamp lights the room. I stand at the entrance while he opens his closet. He pulls out a tshirt.
"Is this okay?" He hands me the oversized shirt. I nod.
"Gracias Pedro" I smile.

I walk into the bathroom and change out of my clothes. I stay in my underwear, and toss the shirt on top. Luckily it's pretty oversized and covers my ass. I blush at myself with his tshirt. I walk out and our eyes meet.

He walks closer to me, our bodies feeling each others warmth. I see his darkened eyes, glistening with the small amount of light that enters the room. My breath quickens but I don't move. I can't and I don't want to for whatever reason. He puts an arm behind me and pushes my slowly against the wall.
"You look so hot" he whispers sending chills down my body.
"What? Don't you feel the same? The feeling of wanting more?" He says with his breath quickening. He begins to kiss me softly along my neck, causing me to nod at the feeling of pleasure.

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He leaves wet soft kisses and marks all over my neck, and down to the hem of the shirt. He comes back up and kisses my lips softly but with passion. I don't know why but I kiss him back, more eager now. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He walks me over to his bed and sets me down gently. He pulls at the shirt I wear and eventually tosses it across the room.

I watch as he stares at my body, causing me to blush.
"You're so beautiful" he licks his lips and leans back over to me. He continues to kiss me all the way down my body, down my waist. He gets to the edge of my thong and smirks. He moves it to the side and begins to eat me out. A strong sensation overcomes my body, a feeling of pleasure like I haven't felt in awhile. I squirm and arch my back in his bed. My nails digging into his back, as I try and stay quiet. Eventually I release and he looks back up at me and smiles.

I can't take it anymore and I felt I need him even more. Without warning I flip is so I'm on top. I quickly slide his sweatpants off and toss them to the side. I begin to feel his bulge through his boxers. I softly massage through the boxers as I watch him squirm and moan with pleasure. I can see him clench his jaw and his suffering causes me amusement.

Eventually I take his boxers off and throw them to the side. I pump it a few times, before I hear him say, "ride me already baby". Turning me on even more. I nod and do as I'm told.

I lift my body up onto him, immediately feeling pressure. I begin to ride him and thrust my body on his.
"Fuck Mia. You're so amazing" he moans, putting his hands at my waist, following along with my rhythm.
Before coming to, he flips us over and allows himself to take over. He kisses my between each of his thrusts.
"Pedro, I need you. Now please!" I yell. He clenched his jaw and begins to thrust harder.
"Fuck" he moans
Eventually we both release and he leans on my shoulder, catching his breath.

Our bodies still touching and wet from the circumstances. I feel his heavy breathing as I try and catch mine. I'm not sure what just happened but it felt amazing. I dont know why I let it happen though.

"Need a shower?" He breaks the silence, causing me to laugh.
"Can I?" I reply. He smiles.
"Sure, you can borrow my shirt for longer this time" he smirks.

I laugh and walk into his bathroom. I take a nice long shower and clean myself off. The shower relaxes me, and makes me feel better. I dry off and toss his shirt on, he also handed me some shorts to wear in the meantime.

I walked out and he was entering the room drying his hair. He had showered in the guest bathroom.
"Come here" he motions over to the spot beside him on the bed.
"I should check on Luca" I say.
"I checked on him. He's okay" he reassures me. I smile, "thank you" I reply.

I do as he says and lay beside him. He wraps his arm around my waist and I cuddle up to his chest. I run my nail lightly along his abs, eventually falling asleep.

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