Ch 11

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the next morning.
"Buenos dias príncipe" I smile as I kiss Luca's cheek. He yawns before finally opening his eyes.
"Buenos días mami" he smiles. He sits up and rubs his eyes.
"Let's go have breakfast. We have to go look at possibly your new school" I say trying to make it exciting. He nods, and smiles.

We walk over to the kitchen, and I sit him down on the barstool chair. I serve us each a quick bowl of cereal. I sit beside him and we watch some tv.


"Te extrañoo tio Gio" Luca pouts as he waves goodbye. Gio had just called us to checkup on how things were going. Hopefully he would be coming soon to visit, and Luca was pretty excited.

We hung up the phone and cleaned up the kitchen. I got Luca dressed, and made myself look presentable as well. We had to make a good first impression at this potential school.

miasofia2 luca's hair is turning brown slowly 😭💔 he's growing

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luca's hair is turning brown slowly 😭💔 he's growing

I pack a bag with some necessary things and grab Luca by his hand. We walk out quickly to catch the bus.
"Mami, when are we getting a car?" He sighs as we sit on the bench.
"Soon amor" I kiss his forehead.
"Why can't we drive with Tio Pablo?"
"He's busy amor. He has practice today" I smile at the name he chose for Pablo. He shrugs and leans on me.

The bus arrives and we take out seat. I place him on my lap as I comb his hair. He smiles and looks out the window.

Suddenly my phone rings.

Pedro Gonzalez


Buenos días pezecita

Is everything okay? Why did you call?

I just-

"Shh amor. Im on the phone" I tell Luca so he can stay calm.

Who's that?

Nobody. So is everything okay? I thought I had the day off today?

Oh yeah. I just wanted to remind you that I need you to come tomorrow.

Oh. Yes I know. Sounds good, gracias Pedro.


That was weird. Obviously I knew I had to work tomorrow. He's so weird.

We arrive in town, and begin walking to the directions that Pablo gave me. We make it to a huge building, and you can see a playground in the backyard along with a mini fútbol field. We walk inside and are greeted by the receptionist. She has us wait for the director.


The meeting went great! Both Luca and I were so excited and he could start tomorrow. It was like a school but for toddlers, and Luca was so excited to make friends.

We walk out the door, both feeling content. Luca couldn't wait for it to be tomorrow already so he could play with his new friends. I was just glad I found a place and didn't have to keep relying on Pablo. I send him a message with the good news.

By this time it's close to lunch. I remember I made plans with Anna, so I take a taxi over to the restaurant where we agreed. I walk inside with Luca in my arms and I see Anna. She calls me over and I walk over.

"Hola Anna, so good to see you" I smile.
"You too. And who's his handsome boy" she smiles at Luca but is a bit confused.
"Luca" he says confidently. We both laugh.
I sit across from her, with Luca beside me.
"My son" i say, not knowing how she'll react.
She pauses but then nods.
"He's adorable. I'm glad you brought him" she replies, making me relieved.

The waitress brings our menus and takes our drink order before walking away. Anna and I begin catching up and getting to know each other. She is really funny and so kind. We get along well and I can tell we're going to be great friends.

"So, does your boyfriend also-"
"No. I don't have a boyfriend. His father passed when he was still not even born" I whisper so Luca doesn't hear. He's too busy coloring but still.
"I'm so sorry to hear that" she puts her hand on mine.
"It was better without him" I say as a tear falls down my face.

She's so easy to talk to and opens up about her own past situations. I'm glad we decided to meet up. I felt like I was really making a new friend.
"So, not to be weird but what's with the suspense with Pedro?" I clear my throat.
"I just. I can tell you're a good person. And even now knowing you. I've just seen him go in and out with past assistants and they end up really liking him and then he breaks their heart. He's not evil, but he's still a little boy when it comes to knowing how treat women" she sighs.
"Are you speaking from experience?"
"No, no. I have a boyfriend" she smiles.
"But his first assistant was my best friend. She really liked him, I could tell. I warned her but she didn't listen. In the end he cheated on her and she was torn. She was so upset that she moved to another country, I never saw her again. She was humiliated. I just don't want that to happen to you" she sighs.
"Yeah. I get it. Thanks for telling me. He's definitely very flirty" I widen my eyes and smile.
"You deserve someone who will give you and your son the world. Pedro isn't there yet".
"Gracias Anna. I'm so glad we're becoming friends" I smile.


After lunch, we walk outside to the street. I hold Luca in my arms since he's getting tired.
"We should meet up more often outside of work. I had a great time" she says.
"I would love that" 
"Do you need a ride home? My boyfriend is here to pick me up" she smiles and points to the car.
"I'm okay. Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow" we hug each other and she hugs Luca before walking away.

A car drives by and beeps and stops in front of us.  I recognize it as Pablo's car. He rolls his window down.
"Need a ride?" He winks.
" tio Pabloo!" Luca cheers. I smile and get Luca into the car seat and sit in the passenger.


We arrive at home and all sit in the living room. I catch up with Pablo on the day with Pedro yesterday. I don't give details because i don't want to be weird. Obviously I don't tell him of the many times Pedro stood close to me and I thought he would kiss me. Just the good things, that we got a long a bit better and that I had fun at the match.

Pablo tells us all about training and that he'll hopefully be starting in the next match. I know he rarely gets playing time so hopefully I get to see him.

"It's getting late. You can stay if you want" I say.
"You sure?"
"Yes! Please Pablo!" Luca cheers.
"Okay okay fine. Just for Luca" he smiles and kisses his cheek. Luca claps and sits back down.


After putting Luca down to sleep, I get ready for bed. Pablo lays in bed with me, obviously we're really close friends by now so it's not weird.

I can't work thinking of what Anna told me though. I really wanted to wish that Pedro was different. That he wasn't an asshole. But I guess when you get to know someone you see their true colors.

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