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the next morning.
Today my father was going to be away for most of the afternoon, as well as gio. Gio claimed he had a date, which I suspected after last night. My father claimed he had meetings but he's been acting suspicious, so I assume he's been seeing someone.

After we all had breakfast together, I took Luca and myself back to the room to get dressed for the day. It was a nice day out so we wore shorts and comfortable clothes to go out. As I'm fixing his hair I hear a knock at the door.
"Come in" I call out. The door opens, revealing Pablo. I smile as he walks in and sits at the edge of the bed.
"So what do you say we go to the park or something? Instead of just staying in" he says. Instantly Luca get excited.
"What do you think Luca? Should we?" I comb his hair to the side and he nods.

I grab my small bag and phone, and follow the boys out as we get ready to head out. We make sure all the lights are off, and head to the car. Pablo gets in the driver seat and drives off toward the city.

We make it to the park, and as we get off Luca is instantly excited. He runs around and jumps up and down.
"Calm down Luca, you need to be safe, remember? Wait for mami" I say. He pouts but understands and waits patiently. Pablo smiles as he looks at me.
"Here Luca, give me your hand" he says, Luca listens and they hold hands as we walk toward the playground.

There are many kids around,  it seems like a very busy day to come here. I'm not used to being out much like this with Luca. So I'm a bit nervous if I'm being honest, but I know he's happy and I don't want to ruin it.

As Luca runs around and plays, I walk around the edge keeping an eye on him with Pablo. I look around and keep an eye out for anything looking mysterious or weird. Suddenly I lock eyes with someone familiar. Someone who instantly brings back bad memories. My chest tightens and my breath quickens. I quickly look around for Luca to try and grab him.

"Luca! Luca!" I call out. I can't seem to find him and eventually feel a tap behind me.
"Mami, I'm right here" Luca says with an innocent smile. I take him into my arms and hold him tight.
"Hey, hey what's wrong?" Pablo asks putting his hand on my shoulder. I shake my head unable to explain.
"We need to go" I say.
"Well well well if it isn't little miss Mia" I hear his voice as he gets closer. I close my eyes hoping it's not real.

He walks in front of Pablo and I. Pablo seems to see me get worried so he tenses up and places his arm around my waist. It's him, it's really him. My ex boyfriends brother, Daniel. I never thought I'd see him again, and I never wanted to. I knew he'd probably be upset with me after what happened with his brother.

"Aren't you going to say hello? Or anything? I mean we used to be practically family. Well we are family, because of this little guy aren't we?" He smirks and reaches toward Luca but I pull him away.
"Please leave me, leave us alone" I say, causing him to laugh.
"Hmm well you see, I think that's where you're wrong. You took my brother from me, are you really going to forbid me from seeing my handsome nephew?"
"Hey, she said to leave her alone" Pablo says getting in front of me.
"Oh yeah? And what are YOU going to do about it?" Daniel pokes Pablo's chest harshly.
"Pablo, don't" I say. I become even more nervous, I don't want anything to happen. Daniel is just like his brother, you shouldn't mess with them. Theyre horrible they've done terrible things. It's best to keep peace with them.

Suddenly I hear a dogs bark approach, and we all turn and look. I couldn't believe who it was, joao. By the look on his face I could tell he could sense what was going on.
"Pablo, let's go. It's not worth it" joao says pulling Pablo back.
Daniel laughs.
"Wow look at you with your little set of body guards. I see, but don't worry this isn't the last of me that you'll see" he says. Pablo puts his arm around me, keeping my close to him as we walk away. Joao follows beside as he tries to calm down Luca.

We make it to the parking lot, and my anxiety kicks in. I can't believe that just happened. I don't want him or his family near Luca ever. Can they really do something to get visitation? I really don't want them to be near him.

Joao takes Luca into his arms and I see him try and calm him down and distract him with floki. Pablo sits beside me and rubs my back.
"They won't hurt you or Luca, I promise. They can't do anything" he kisses my forehead and continues to rub my back to calm me down as tears fall down my face. I felt helpless. It was supposed to be a good day out for Luca and now he was probably just afraid.

We drive back home, and joao agreed to meet us back at home too. Luca seemed to calm down and get happy again with floki around.

We get back home and immediately walk inside. My anxiety caused me to not want to leave anymore. I locked all the doors and we sat in the living room.
"Let me get him a snack before his nap" Pablo says walking to the kitchen, taking Luca with him. I chucked as I saw floki run behind them.

"I'm sorry this is how your day went. I'm here if you want to talk about it though" joao said as I sat beside him. I broke down in tears.
"Just a very bad abusive ex I had, Luca's father. He can't seem to leave me alone" I sigh.
"That was him?"
"No, no. That was his brother. Um Luca's father, Manuel, actually passed away. During a situation with the police"
I look toward joao who looks in shock.
"How can a kind, sweet, funny, beautiful girl like you have gone through all this and still manage to be a great mother?" Joao takes my hand into his and runs my knuckles. I smile at his comment.
"Gracias Joao. And I'm sorry you have to find out all this. Now you know why I'm single" I laugh.
"I actually still don't know why. I still like you" he winks. I blush and lean against his shoulder as Luca runs back.
"Mami! Mami! Can we keep floki?"
"No amor, floki is Joaos, he would be very sad if we took him" I laugh.
Luca pouts.
"It's okay Luca, I'll make sure to bring floki everytime you visit. And we can FaceTime so he can see you" joao says causing Luca to smile.
"Gracias joao" Luca runs over and hugs him, catching him by surprise.

My phone begins to ring like crazy, and at first I ignore it but eventually it doesn't stop. I sigh and flip it over.

5 missed calls from pedro
2 messages from pedro

- Mia! Why aren't you answering?
- it's important

what Pedro?-
and maybe because I'm on vacation...-

-when do you come back?

In two days, we agreed-

-ugh, and you can't come sooner?

What do you need?-


goodbye Pedro, I'm done with this conversation-

I roll my eyes. Clearly he's drunk or something. But I'm not playing these games with him. I have way more important things to deal with.

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