Ch 14

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I couldn't believe it. I didn't know how to react or what to think.
"Mami! Come say hi to Pablo" Luca yelled. Eventually the room went back to normal, and everyone continued their conversations.

Pablo gave me a small smile and walked over to me with Luca in his arms. He grabs my arm softly and pulls me to the side.
"Mia, I didn't know you'd be here" he says looking around. It seems he's not sure what to do either.
"I didn't know you'd be here either! And with Pedro!" I lightly smack him.
"What should i do?" I say nervously.
Pablo shrugs, "just avoid him I suppose. I don't know, I mean there's not much to do. It was bound to happen" he sighs.
"You're right. It is what it is" I reply.

Pedro POV
I nudge ferran.
"How does Pablo know them?" I ask as I look over at Mia who stood with Pablo and the boy in his arms. Ferran shrugs.
"I don't know, ask him" he laughs.

I roll my eyes, annoyed at his comment. I was so confused. Why was Mia here? Maybe she was babysitting? And how did she know Pablo? And why didn't she tell me any of this?

I'm interrupted by Marc walking over to us with his wife. They begin to talk to us and show us around. When I look back, Mia and Pablo are gone.

Luca had run off again with Ben and the other boys to play. I sat beside Pablo as we ate some pizza that they were giving out. I tried my best to ignore the fact that Pedro was in the same room, and I wasn't sure how he'd react.

Instead Pablo and I caught up on these last few days and how training has been going for him. Hopefully he would start in the next match.
"Pablito! We found you" Pablo Gavi interrupts our conversation and along with him is Ferran.
Ferran and Gavi walk over and greet me, and then sit beside Pablo.
"Mia I didn't know you'd be here. Pedro said you were off today" Gavi says.
"I'm not working with him today" I reply.
"Did you two know each other?" Ferran asks
We nod. "Pablo has been pretty much one of my only friends since I've moved here" I laugh.
"Oh. I didn't realize. Pedro never told us"
"I didn't know" Pedro's voice suddenly appears behind us. We turn around and he sits beside ferran.

The conversation seems tense, and I'm not sure how to react.
"So Mia why are you here again?" Pedro asks. He jaw is clenched. I don't know why he's so bothered. But at this point I feel like I can't keep lying.
I take a deep breath.
"My son is best friends with Ben. They go to the same school together" I give a small smile, trying to be friendly.

Ferran, Gavi, and Pedro all look shocked. They freeze and look at each other.
"What? Is having a child really that shocking?" Pablo says to them. Ferran shakes his head.
"No, I just didn't realize you had a son. You don't look like you've been through pregnancy" he replies. Pablo Gavi smacks him, "ferran don't say that" he says to him.

I cheeks flush at his comment on my body, but I just shake it off. I know he had no wrong intentions. Pedro doesn't say anything the rest of the conversation. I can tell Pablo and Ferran, and Gavi try to make the conversation less awkward and somehow their cheese jokes work.
"Mami! Mami! I want to go home" I hear Luca run over, crying.
"Amor, what happened?" I pick him up and place him in my lap. He leans on me and tears run down his face.
"Hey. What's wrong?" I whisper and kiss his forehead.
He shakes his head, signaling he doesn't want to tell me. I sigh and rub his back, hoping to calm him down.

The boys look over as I try and calm him down. Eventually he does, but he's still quiet and just leans against me.

"What's his name?" Ferran smiles.
"Davi Luca. But he goes by Luca" I smile back. Luca turns and looks over at him. Ferran waves at him, causing Luca to smile.
"Hey mami. They're from Barca, right?" He points at each of them. I smile and nod.
"You remember?"
"Yes abuelito showed me" he says confidentially. I kiss his cheek.
"Good job remembering" I say.
Pablo looks over at me and smiles.
"This is Pedro, Ferran, and Gavi" Pablo says to Luca and points one by one to them.

"So you watch futbol Luca?" Ferran asks him. Luca nods.
"I also play" he replies confidently.
"That's so cool. Maybe one day we can play" ferran replied to him.
"Right now?" Luca's eyes light up.
Ferran gives in and gets up.
"I'll go too. He'll be fine" Pablo says to me, taking Luca into his arms.
"Gracias Pablo" i smile. He winks and walks away. Gavi follows them as they walk outside.

Only Pedro stays, and he gets up and sits beside me. He clears his throat before speaking.
"Why didn't you tell me you had a son?" His jaw clenched again.
"I didn't want you to treat me any different. And I don't really go around telling everyone" I reply. He nods.
"Hmm. Okay. I get it" he replies.
"But still I'm sorry. If it changes anything then-"
"No, it's fine. Just be honest with me, I don't get what's hard about that" he says seriously. I nod.
"So I assume you have a boyfriend" he clears his throat. I shake my head, and the reminder of Luca's father begins to upset me. My eyes water and tears run down my face.

I stand up quickly and walk away toward the hallway where the bathroom is. I hear Pedro call my name but I keep walking. Before I can shut the door behind me, someone stops it and walks in. Pedro.
"What's wrong? Did I upset you?" He stands close to me and holds my hand.
"Sorry. No I- it's just complicated" I sigh.
"You can trust me. I promise"
"Nothing it's just. His father and I aren't together. It was complicated but yeah. Sorry I was just reminded"
"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't mean to upset you" he pulls me in for a hug. It feels genuine. I hug him back and calm down. He wipes my tears.
"I'm here for you, I know we haven't really become close but I want to change that. And I want you to feel comfortable with me" he sighs.
"I'd like that" I reply.
"Good. So let's work on it. I'm sure things will work out better this way" he smiles and leans in to kiss me. Not at my lips bit right at the edge.

I feel butterflies, but ignore it. I can't keep falling for him. I can't keep falling for him. I tell myself.

I do want to work on our work relationship. But do I trust him enough to keep his word?

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