Ch. 5

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Today I was flying back to Madrid to get Luca ready and bring him back to Barcelona. I had finally all of the furniture delivered to the apartment, and cleaned up the best I could. Pablo came every now and then to help me as well. But of course he had training, and other things to do. I truly felt that we were becoming best of friends and he made this change a lot easier.

I waited outside of my apartment building at the sidewalk, waiting for Pablo to pick me up. He offered to take me to the airport. I had lunch again with Pedro and Fernando yesterday, and it was only a bit better than last time. Pedro spoke a bit more, but only work related things. Fernando was the only one who tried to get to know me more.

"Mia, what are you doing outside?" Pablo speeds up to the curve.
I shrug, "waiting for you" I smile. He shakes his head.
"It's not safe out here" He sighs.
"Thank you for worrying, but I'll be okay. I've been in worse". He looks over sadly at me but nods. I haven't yet told him everything about me, but I can tell that he suspects something.

He drives off toward the airport, but we stop by for some coffee before.

"I'm excited to meet Luca, I hope he likes me" Pablo laughs.
"I know he will. Especially when he finds out you play futbol, he's been loving playing recently"


Eventually we arrive at the airport. I only packed a small backpack, since I'll only be gone for a bit. Pablo walks me to the check-in, and later towards the security.

"Have a safe flight. I'll see you when you return" He smiles pulling me into a hug.
"Gracias por todo Pablo. I'm so grateful for you" I kiss his cheek.
"Anytime. So, I'll see you and Luca Sunday at 11:00?
"Please" I reply.
"Adios Mia, nos vemos" He says as I turn around and walk through security.

I walk toward my gate and wait for my plane to board. I'm so happy I'll finally be reunited with Luca. I've missed him so much.


I arrive finally in Madrid, and as I walk toward the exit I'm greeted by Giu. I run up to him and jump into his arms.

"Giu, I missed you so much" I say with tears in my eyes.
"Hermanita, me too. How did it go?" He hugs me tightly and sets me down.

I begin to tell him everything that happened this past week. He explains that my father had Luca since Atletico had a match today. My mother was in town to pick up a few things, so she was watching Luca at the match while my father coached .

I had never gone to a match, for reasons I can't explain. But it was easier to stay away from my father's football life, so that no one asked questions about who Luca or I were. Of course only the players knew that I existed, but they had never met me before. I don't think many of them even knew my name.

"Should we meet papa and Luca at the stadium? Or would you rather see them at home?"
"Is it almost over?"
"It's halftime now so almost"
"Okay, fine I suppose" I shrug. Giu smiled and drives off toward the stadium.

When we arrive, we're let in through the staff entrance. I follow Giu since I'd never been here before. We meet up with my mother who holds Luca in her arms. He cheers as he watches the players kick the ball around. Atlético was tied 1-1, and I could see my father start to become stressed.

"Mami!" Luca cheers putting his arms out. I give him the biggest hug and kiss his cheek.
"Mi amor, I missed you so much"
"Me too mami. But abuelito and i had so much fun" he says with the biggest smile.
"I'm sure you did" I reply as I take a seat beside my mother. I give her a hug and we begin to catch up on everything.


The match ends with a draw, so I know my father won't be too happy. Either way it was a great match and Luca had a lot of fun. He waves goodbye to the players as they pass to the tunnel.
"Joao! Joao! There's joao mami" Luca says to me tapping my shoulder.
"Where?" I turn to look.
"You missed him" he pouts.

I laugh, I guess it's not meant for me to meet whoever this Joao person is. At least he makes Luca happy.

We wait around for my father, and eventually I decide to surprise him. I walk down toward the tunnel while everyone else waits for me in the seats. I stand to the side and wait for my father to walk out.
"No huh?" I smirk as I pop out.
"Hija! I didn't know you were coming" he smiles and gives me a hug. He kisses my forehead and let's me go.
"Giu told me you were all here, so I figured I should just meet you all here"
"Gracias hija. It wasn't the best match, but what Can you do?"
"You'll win the next, I'm sure" I smile.
He puts an arm around me and turns us so we can walk toward everyone else.

Joao POV
I walk out of the locker room with Pablo Barrios. We talk of the match and how bad it was at the end. Suddenly I look over and out of the corner of my eye I see her, the girl from Instagram! I think it's her.
"Give me a Second" i interrupt Pablo.
I try and move past the people to the end, but she's gone. I could only see her face and that she was hugging someone.
"Joao, move on. You're just imagining things" Pablo laughs.
"It was her, I know it was"
"She never comes to the matches, trust me it wasn't her" he pats my back and we walk out toward our cars.

We drive home after the match. I Can see my parents are sort of getting along. They don't speak much, but when they have to they aren't yelling which is good.

We get home and all take a seat in the living room.
"So are you sure this is what you want to do?" My father asks. I nod.
"I want to try things out of my own. I owe my entire life you both of you, I want to repay you for-"
"Hija, don't ever say that. We did it out of our hearts. You'll always be our daughter, and Luca our grandson. We love you as if we were blood" my mother says, my father nods and agrees.
"But still I think you're right and I think it's a good idea" she says.
"Gracias mami. It'll be a change, but we all grow up one day, right?" I sigh.


It's later in the day, before dinner. Everyone was helping me pack my most important things. I plan to visit often, when I can. Besides Barcelona and Atleti play each other often so we'll see each other. Marc doesn't seem to comprehend yet that we'll be leaving, he thinks it's temporary. But I hope he gets used to it with time.

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