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Gracelyn POV

It's the first day of school and I already have a headache.

I walked through the crowded halls of the school that rakes of paper, Axe cologne, perfume, and body odor also word to the wise-


Like please don't suffocate everyone else just because 'you can't smell it' but that's besides the point as of right now my mission is to find my best friend, Ruby, who's currently nowhere to be found.

I walked through the halls making sure not to bump into anyone until I saw her, I waved my hand over as she looked into my direction she smiled before starting her walk over to me until it happened.

I bumped into someone.

I fell on my ass, getting up quickly as to not get trampled over by others only to been met with the eyes of someone who I most definitely did not want to see this early in the morning.

Kera Adair.

Now you may ask, who is that? Well she's only the most popular being in this whole place, who also happens to be friends with the most annoying group of people who practically worship the ground she walks on.

"I'm so sorry-"

"Apologize right now, nerd." A girl said interrupting THE APOLOGIZE I WAS GIVING! See! I told you not the brightest cookies in the jar.

"I'm sorry Kera, it was an accident." I said naturally as she stood there with a blank face, just staring.

Did I tell you she rarely talks?

"She didn't accept it, say another one." Another person said as Ruby silently stood by me waiting for the moment to pull me out if needed.

"I'm sorry for rudely bumping into you Kera, I apologize." I repeated nicer than before as she nodded her head, which I'm guessing means she accepted it?

The others were about to say something and that's when Ruby jumped in with a very forced smile.

"Ok well we have to get going to....Uh get our seats for the assembly today, that's happening right now actually, gotta to go!" She said with a smile as she grabbed my arm yanking me away from them, rushing us through the crowds of people.

"Ok, ok, ok Ruby we are far away now." I said to her as she pulled us into the semi-crowded gym.

"Good, now we can find our seats." She said as I snatched my arm back from her making her laugh.

Damn that woman has the strength of hulk or something because my arm hurts now, but I agreed with her walking up the bleachers finding a good spot.

Once we did the annoying group walked in and sat RIGHT FUCKING BEHIND US! Me and Ruby looked at one another before lightly chuckling before our principal walked in meeting the assembly was starting.

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