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Kera POV

Met someone....

Hmm, that's new.

All last year and the year before she never talked to anyone but Ruby why is this person so special?

She could talk to me or even Tera at any time, so why talk to someone you don't even know, that makes no sense, at least not to me.

"KERA!" Tera yelled in front of me making me jump a little which made her laugh a bit.

"What's got you thinking so hard that you zoned out?" She asked as she continued to drink her large Coke.

Should I tell her? I mean I've never really kept anything from her, ah screw it.

"Gracelyn." I replied as she almost spit out her Coke, making her cough.

"Gracelyn? Why are you thinking about Gracelyn?" She asked once she gained her composer both of us now looking at each other as I thought of an answer.

Honestly I don't know why to be exact, all I know is that she made her way into my mind.

I don't know how to answer this one, hmm.

"I don't know actually." I replied honestly as I began to eat, while Tera watched me, creepy.

"Do you know what it was that involved her that you were thinking about? Tera asked more clearly making me stop as I gathered my thoughts once more.

Well I've been thinking about her since the car ride here, no?

Yeah, after Tera said something about the mystery person and Gracelyn's relationship is when I started thinking about her.

"The mystery person." I replied as Tera thought about it for a minute before making the connection.

"Oh why were you thinking about that?" She questioned.

"I don't know, maybe it interests me, I'm not sure yet." I replied as she hummed and reply.

"Interest you huh?" She said as I nodded plainly.

"Yeah I mean gracelyn's always been quiet around others for as long as I can remember, so it makes no sense for me for her to just... start talking to people especially random people." I explained as Tera thought about it for a minute then nodding as she understood my point.

"Why are you thinking about it so much? I mean I guess we should be proud of her for getting out of her shell." Tera said eating a fry making me freeze a bit.

Proud of Gracelyn, always.

But talking to randos that's different.

"Do you wish she'd talk to you?" Tera asked pulling me out of thought as my head shot up to look at her.

"That's a stupid question Tera." I said as I started to pack up my things because we needed to make it back to campus on time or we would be tardy.

"Oh come on it's just a question, but-"

Before she finished the sentence she lowered her voice and put her hand on my shoulder before completing the sentence.

"If you ever want her to talk to you maybe you should talk first just a thought." She said as she happily through her trash away before leaving to my car.

I hummed, now that I think about it I guess I could.

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