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Gracelyn POV

I ran to my next class in order to inform Ruby of what just happened, when I got there I instantly said my seat definitely out of breath but I tapped Ruby over and over again until I got her attention.

"WHAT- oh what happened to you?" She said finally looking at my flushed face from running.

"Something happened, something weird, very very weird." I said as she sat up looking at me with a confused expression.

"Ok well what happened that got you looking like that?" She questioned.

"Ok you know Mr whatever his name is class we have a project to do with a partner of our choosing?" I asked as she nodded.

"Ok well I thought I was going to be working alone because you know I'm quiet and only speak to you and sometimes Tera when she's around, BUT I WAS DEAD WRONG!" I said in a rush as she now looked even more confused.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"I meant THE KERA ADAIR not only SPOKE to me but is now my PARTNER for the project and I have no idea if I'm a dead man or just getting pranked at this point." I finished as her eyes went wide.

"She spoke to you? Like spoke spoke to you?" She asked as I nodded quickly making her burst out laughing.

"So what did she sound like?" She asked after she finished laughing making me absolutely confused.

"WHY DOES THAT MATTER RUBY? I'M GOING TO DIE!" I yelled in a hushed whisper making her laugh even more.

"Ok one, no you're not and two, it matters because I heard she sounds like a goddess and I wanna know does she?" She said as I thought about it for a moment.

"Well her voice was soft and gentle if that's what you're asking but that's besides the point Ruby." I replied as a grin found its way to her face making me groan.

"Not like that Ruby." I said making her chuckle.

"Ok so firstly, calm down secondly, I'll ask Tera what it was about if it makes you feel better." Ruby said with a smile as I looked at her.

"You'd do that for me?" I asked as she nodded.

"Of course, you might be in a best friend war right now but even I have some questions about this." She explained as I rolled my eyes chuckling.

"Thank you Ruby, you're the best." I replied as she smiled.

"You're welcome and I know I am." She said as I pushed her a bit making her laugh as we continue having class together as usual.

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