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Gracelyn POV

I groaned as I walked into class sitting where I sat the day before, once again feeling her stare but this time it was different I don't wanna look back to meet her stare but there is something different about it.

All class. The teacher spoke about the project he had come up with for us to do as an assignment, he wanted us to do it with partners which made it even worse.

Not that I have a problem with working with people but I know the people in this class and let's just say they aren't the most active when it comes to group work so when I tell you a loud groan came from everyone I mean everyone.

It didn't bother me much though the teacher started to hand out the project and even gave us the choice of choosing a partner which everyone was pleased with at the very least.

I looked around the room seeing everyone get up and pick their partners well I guess that means I'm doing this alone then I thought until I felt a tap on my shoulder looking up to see her.


"Oh um do you need something?" I asked if she stood there for a moment before speaking.

"Wanna be partners?" She asked her voice only so loud where I could hear, I froze.

Kera never spoke to anyone other than Tera, how do I even reply to this?

I looked at her shocked as she stood there waiting for an answer as I finally shook off the feeling of utter surprise and replied.

Um sure, yeah, we could be partners if you like I've blurted it out and reply.

"Good, glad to hear it." She replied giving me a small mod before going to sit back down in her seat in silence.

What the hell just happened?

Am I being pranked?

I looked around the room seeing everyone doing their own thing no weird stares, no small chuckles, No cameras recording so it's not a prank.

Maybe I'm hearing things?

No that's not it.

I definitely heard her.

She spoke, Kera Adair spoke to me.

I sat in silence for the rest of class. Not sure whether I should go into hiding or just face my fears and go hide behind Ruby.

When the teacher released us Kera walked up to me once again handing me a paper with her number on it before leaving the classroom with everyone else.

I'm definitely a dead man.

If I wasn't before I think I am now.

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