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Kera POV

She said yes, we are partners now for a project, but still we are partners.

I don't know if I asked her right?

She seemed shocked or maybe scared I don't know why though, am I that scary?

I shouldn't be, right?

I looked over and saw Tera who looked sad? As she walked towards me stopping right next to me.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked a bit worried as she sighed before replying.

"Just got my heart broken no biggie." She said as I looked at her for a moment before letting it go.

"What about you?" She asked as confusion filled me.

"What about me?" I asked.

"About the grace situation." She replied making me freeze as I looked at her weird as she spoke again.

"Sorry I meant Gracelyn." She corrected as I nodded.

"What about her? Has something happened?" I asked as she chuckled and reply.

"Well according to Ruby 'you almost gave her a heart attack.'" Tera explained as I looked at her confused.

"Why would I do that? Did I do something wrong?" I asked as she shook her head.

"No, it's just when you talk to her I guess it kind of caught her off guard." She explained as I sighed a breath of relief.

"Oh I thought I scared her, but I guess I'll talk to her more than right it should clear it up, right?" I questioned as Tera held a shocked look before slowly nodding.

"I guess..."

I nodded at the confirmation I mean I've already given her my number so in that category I'll have to wait but other than that maybe I could talk to her a little bit more when I see her or I should start tagging along with Tera every time she goes to talk to Ruby.

Yeah that will work perfectly.

I think I'm happy with the way the day turned out, very happy.

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