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Ruby POV

I sat down on my bed exhausted from the day as a call started to ring from my phone making me let out a groan before checking to see who the caller was.


What does she want? Could she have just texted me for crying out loud but I'm going to pick it up anyways because I'm a nice person.


"Stage 1 is definitely in motion." She said making me confused.

"The what now?" I asked chuckling.

"Stage 1, you know the beginning stage of any and all operations." She replied as I sighed with a smile.

"Ok what about stage 1?" I asked.

"So um I think Kera is a little bit way too into this, which ISN'T A BAD THING for the record, I just think they are entering stage 1. She explained as I hummed.

"Really how so? Because I was expecting them to take a lot longer to do anything." I replied as she humped in response.

"Because Kera practically asked me for confirmation on ways to communicate better with Gracelyn." She replied making me sit up intrigued.


"Oh is right, so I think it's safe to say that operation K-A-G is on a safe route as of now." She said happily as I rolled my eyes at the silly name.

"You mean operation Kera and Gracelyn." I corrected as she groaned lightly making me silently chuckle.

"Oh come on bee, operation K-A-G sounds not only cool but like super cool." She said in defense of her name.

"Well I'm the one that started it so I name it." I said I she pouted before agreeing.

"Fine, but I need the next one." She said making me chuckle.

"Ok you big baby." I said as she did a little victory sound.

"Thank you bee." She said.

"You're welcome and stop calling me that." I said.

"But it's a good nickname, why you don't like it?" She asked in a pouty tone making me sigh.



Then silence fell upon us as we both tried to think of a way to reply to one another.

"I'm hanging up now."

"No wait I'm sorry-" She said but I hung up the phone before she could finish but then a text popped up making me smile.

Big Baby- I'm sorry 😔

Big Baby- Forgive me?

Big Baby- 🥺

Me- Fine.

Big Baby- YAY! Thanks you, goodnight

Me- Goodnight

I chuckled as I sat my phone down and slowly went to sleep.

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