Paid Food

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Gracelyn POV

The first and second games were done turns out we would be here longer than expected being as they changed the schedule of the matches so Ruby's cousins game would be in the middle instead of the beginning.

"Grace I'm HUNGRY." Ruby said dramatically as she rubbed her stomach which was growling.

"Ok and that's my problem how?" I asked jokingly as her head snapped towards me with the 'really?' look.

"Well I was hoping you could get us some food, please?" She said with a fake pouty face.

"Why can't you do it? You know I don't like talking to people?" I said as she groaned.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that, I guess I could go with you then." Ruby said as I looked at her with shock like, how do you forget that you're an extrovert and I'm the introvert?

I sighed before getting up with Ruby to go to the concession stand she practically ran through the people while I had to apologize for her almost bulldozing then.

By the time I got to her she was already ordering half of the dang menu I got behind her and looked at the menu to see if I wanted anything, which a pretzel didn't look that bad plus a bag of chips.

"Hello ma'am what would you like?" The lady asked with a smile.

"I would like a pretzel and some chips please." I replied.

"Ok coming right up."

I smiled and went to grab my wallet pulling out the amount setting it on the counter for her when she got back.

"Here you go ma'am that will be $5." The lady said handing me the food as I slid her the 5$ making her bid me a good day as I left the stand.

As I was walking out someone bumped into me causing you to drop my pretzel making the person kneel beside me and help me get up.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." She apologized as she helped me up off the floor looking at the pretzel and then at me.

"And I knocked your food over, how wonderful." She sighed as she pulled out her wallet making my eyes go wide.

"You don't have to-"

"I do, I bumped into you so I make up for the food you lost." She interrupted me with a smile.

"Are you sure?" I asked as she nodded before going into the line getting me a new pretzel.

"There you go m'lady one fresh pretzel." She said handing it to me with a smile as her friends rest her over to them before she could talk more.

"Well see you later? Maybe?" She asked as I nodded.

"Sure." I said with a smile as she walked away.

Guess I got my food paid for.

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