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Gracelyn POV

The whole ride home I tried asking her what she meant by that and she didn't answer me so now I'm just at my house contemplating getting new friends at this point.

And to make it worse all she did was laugh at me every time I kept repeating the question, like come on.

I was pulled out of thought when I felt a bus come from my phone, it was a text.

Kera- Good morning, Grace.

I was taken back because Kera struck me as the type of person who only texted when texted too, I guess not though.

Me- Good morning, Kera

Kera- What are you doing up this early? I didn't strike you as a morning person.

I mean you're not wrong I'm a proud night owl but when I'm offered food and coffee that's a different story.

Me- You're not wrong, I'm indeed not a morning person but I had some persuasion this time around

Kera- Persuasion?

Me- Yeah I was offered food and coffee I didn't really get the food though I mostly got the coffee

Kera- Breakfast is the most important meal of the day Grace, you should get some food in you.

Me- Ha, ok I will have a good day Kera

Kera- You too.

I think I did pretty well with that conversation pat on the back Gracelyn, pat on the back.

I flopped down on the bed as I felt my phone buzz again.

Kera- Make French toast it's healthy but sweet at the same time with some orange juice.

I chuckled at the suggestion and got up and into the kitchen to try and make it, me personally I have not made this one nor tried it so I'll take her word for it.

Me- I'll take your word for it, do you have any instructions or something that I could follow?

Kera- Why? Have you not made it before?

Me- Sad to say I have not made it

I looked down at my phone expecting a reply but nothing, I guess she's looking for recipes or something.

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