Lost Her Mind

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Ruby POV


There IS NOTHING and will ALWAYS BE NOTHING going on between me and Tera, I see her as a friend no scratch that an acquaintance, yeah I see her as an acquaintance.

Gracelyn King has lost her damn mind if she thinks that one, she can say that and two, bring it up in order to win an argument I mean technically I DID HAVE a comeback I just didn't wanna use it.

Yeah I was being NICE.

I walked through the halls of the school finding my class and sat next to Gracelyn who was doing something, I don't know what it was but once she noticed me she smiled, SMILED!

"You're one, wrong for that and two, very rude." I said with a huff making her chuckle as she completely turned her attention to me.

"How am I the rude one?" She asked.

"Well when you brought up something that you know isn't true, and two you're just rude." I replied making her look at me confused.

"You know you did the same thing I did right? Except I was actually accurate with something and you just took something out of proportion for example, me meeting Rayna while you and Tera were all buddy buddy." She replied as I groan making her laugh.

"Well you know what, I'm gonna tell Tera what I saw at the game that you were FLIRTING with a stranger." I said with a victorious smile making her shake her head.

"Ok and? Tera doesn't even talk to me the most you'd be doing is spreading false information." She said with a laugh.

"No because Tera will tell Kera and then she'll know your business." I explained making her look at me with a dumb look.

"Ok? That affects me how? She doesn't talk to anyone but Tera meaning that piece of information will die out so go right ahead bestie go. right. ahead." She said with a chuckle as if SHE HAD WON THE BATTLE!

Well I'll show her.

And Kera talks, I think? Maybe... I don't know but all I know is that this little battle is NOT over.

Also I think she's actually going crazy or something because who laughs this much in an argument?

That's right, a crazy person.

I swear she genuinely must have lost her mind.

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